1. Hey, I havnt seen the 12/10/10/8/6 rep combo before, what’s the reasoning behind that? Does it work better than the conventional straight sets?

  2. I like how their new tank tops say “BUFF DUDE” (emphasis on the “DUDE”) instead of “BUFF DUDES”.
    Having “BUFF DUDES” on a T-shirt can give the wrong impression lol

  3. Hey I’m looking to buy a power rack and was wondering what power rack you guys ended up getting for your home gym, or if anyone had any suggestions for one. Looking for something on the lower priced side but still reliable and stable

  4. Brandon it's time for you and Mikayla to get the him vs her going. Maybe Hudson can get Alga and you guys can do him vs her double trouble or double date?? It'd be fun to see in the new gym!! STAY BUFF!!

  5. My personal trainer helps me during execution of the very same exercises in this video. They’re great for building legs, calves and back. Buff Brazilian here in progress. 🤩

  6. Love the new tanks! Really wishing the YATS FFUB shirt came in a tank as well.
    Thanks for everything you do. I'm two months into lifting and loving it!
    I have mild spastic cerebral palsy and am seeing muscle where I never thought possible! For instance- When I started, I could curl 8# on my left arm, but 10# was a struggle, and one rep on 15# had my arm shaking & spasming. Two months later, I can curl 15# for 5×6.

  7. You guys have some impeccable timing! Today's gonna be my lower body day mostly abs and legs.. I'm trying to get my deadlift to 315 maybe I should get a B.U.F.F dude tank top to give me that extra push 😂😂

  8. We need a buff dudes app! Something where we can buy your programs and use them from the app, track our weights. And y’all could put recipes on it, tutorials, things like that. I’d pay for that shit.

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