1. Okay I’m actually gonna be honest cause I don’t believe half these comments

    Day one: got the whole thing done and felt kinda sore
    Day two: got through the whole thing quicker
    Day three: only did half because it’s a Monday and I start school
    See no result but it’s only day three and I did half
    I’ll update

  2. I’m so insecure about my thighs since I was little (year 5) I would hope when I went out I wouldn’t see anybody from school because most boys judged me. Now I’m grown up and I am trying my best if you guys could like this to make me feel better that would be awesome
    I’ll be keeping track
    Day 1: I did it . It was quite painful but I feel good obviously no change yet

  3. I am going to start Doing that Workout and Upload my experience after each day..(1 like=1 day)Weight:51,9kg

    Day1: I just finished the Workout and my Thighs really hurt😅But I feel good.

  4. Day1 ✅:this was so much easier than I though it was gonna be MashaAllah
    Day 2 ✅: 3/12/19: it’s literally 5am bye I have to go drink my coffee
    Day 3 ✅
    Day 4 ✅
    Day 5 ✅: I did a 30 min workout today with another video but I guess it still counts? I skipped Friday cuz I slept at 3am and I woke up at 7 and had 40 minutes to catch the bus
    Okay so my day five was on Saturday and today it’s Tuesday,
    Day 6,7,8 I did a thirty minute workout but I think I’ll do this workout tomorrow and combine it with the other one so yeah I’ve been working out still

  5. Did this for 2 days and the jeans that were too tight on me now fit nice and a lil more loose so when I eat it will fill up the extra space and it will fit perfect 😊

  6. Okay trying this again except I'm just gonna be doing this everyday for two weeks so I'll put my start width of my right thigh and at the end I'll put my end width. Both will be in cm. and in. lolol

    Day 1: 57 cm/~22.5 in. Muscles don't burn like they did earlier in the year! In like April I felt like I was dying once I finished it lol. I've only been doing Set 1 and Set 3 though so I'm just vibin. I'll start doing Set 2 when I feel like it lol. Legs are kind of shaky which is not cool but they don't hurt at all! I love being so adaptable lolol, oki that's all for today! Also the music never gets old for some reason

    Day 2: Muscles officially burning phewww When I started doing the plie's I felt my muscles working when I went down and came back up! It hurt lol my body was like uhhh what are you doing? I'm sending you pain responses why are you still going? and i was like y'all hear something? I can't hear anything over this sweat I'm building rn. Really liking the last song for some reason lol okay that's all I got for today, time to watch some more My Cat From Hell and then I'm going to sleep lol

    Day 3: Didn't break a sweat like I did in Day 1 and 2 but I don't usually sweat easily anyways like when I did sweat it was like a very light sweat lol. My fitbit says my heart rate went to 124 which is honestly the highest it's ever been cuz I'm usually chillin lol. I'm getting better control of my breathing too like my throat feels dry rn. Once I finish with these two weeks I'm going to go over to the hip dip video and do that for two weeks. Exercising like this for a few days has actually given me more energy like I actually want to go running in this cold ass weather with my dad and listen to music lolol oki that's all, I'm gonna go watch rly old movies now

  7. Each comment I will do another day of this it’s not me fishing for attention it’s just I get notifications when someone comments and that reminds me to do this everyday so I can get to my goal I will write my progress 😃

  8. When I started this work out I never felt the burn while I was doing it but I knew it was working because my legs were sore the next day.
    I started using ankle weights and now I feel the burn!

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