1. It would have been far better if I uncovered this unique “Yamzoko Weebly” (Google it), I would have dropped that 14 lbs years back. Search Google to uncover much more regarding this for yourself. I did not switch my very own diet plan whatsoever or work out. It only reduce your hunger to it without sacrificing your overall health. .

  2. Why are people so dumb and stupid. Who gives a fuk if the doctor is fat she probably doesn’t want to loose weight. You guys don’t know if this lady is happy eating and dieting is hard because I know y’all not doing shit I work out 3 hrs a day x 5 days week. I take these shots I take real hormones and I have a diet coach meaning I eat clean and for past month and half have not lost a pound. Everyone body is different she is here to educate the people that can afford to try the injections not the bs talkers that are too cheap to try. Try it if it doesn’t work stop if it does keep going but the shots won’t last forever did this since 2008 and it will Plautue meaning take breaks.

  3. Everybody who’s roasting this dr for being heavy and giving weight loss tips need to really shut the fk up. Seriously. Nobody knows anything about her personally, what if she has a health condition? What if she was even bigger and is on her own journey to losing weight. Maybe she’s happy with the way she is? So don’t just look at her and make all these dumb assumptions. Shit.

  4. Fyi it works. Of course you need to also be active and change what you eat. I've seen our patients lose so much weight with our weight loss program. Everyone starts somewhere. Just research if you don't want to take this Dr's word for it. There's reasons why some ppl dont get them. Also, if you suffer from high cholesterol it may benefit you too.

  5. B12 shots work My GF is an NP and she met a patient first time she thought he was 70 it turned out he was 90 years old and he said the secret………Vitamin B12 shots. I am starting mine tomorrow Lipotropic B12 shots that contain extra fat burning to boost my weight loss on HCG diet. Can't wait for the extra energy you get.

  6. This is the shot I took back in 2009/2010. I was trying to loose weight to go into the military and I did. I was 230 something pounds and I went down to 163 was the lowest I could go.

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