1. Yes, she was obese. Fat people are nasty. Fat people fart all the time, sweat a lot and smell bad. I am glad she is not obese anymore. Be in shape makes you happy and you will get more friends. If you are fat you look evil. Lol

  2. Each time we win and In other words actually win, when we conquer we become even more formidable as humans, we enter a whole new phase and thus we could change. This change what ever it could be and for whatever cause, is exactly what makes you better as a human. Embrace the transformation and consequently let’s collectively help to make 2018 the greatest year of our lives!

  3. I never thought she was over-weight enough for gastric bypass surgery.

    I thought they only did that surgery when you were morbidly obese and Mariah was no where near that ( scratching my head , totally confused )

    Why didn’t she just change her diet and exercise ?? She didn’t need to go through all of that . WTFFF !!!!!!!

  4. Its bs,she has had a lot of cosmetic surgery. I remember when she first started .Flat as a board .You gonna tell .me those are real,?the 30 lbs are on her chest.! Not that I give a damn but don't try play with my mind .Not a fan .

  5. If Mariah wanted to lose weight a little diet and exercise wouldn't have killed her. There was no need to go to gerastic measures by having that surgery done. That surgery is reserved for people whose health is in jeopardy not for vanity. But however she is Mariah and when you have a lot of money anythings possible.

  6. I wish she didn't appear to be so superficial. Maybe she isn't this way behind the scenes but her endless posing is cringworthy and how she looks around to see who's watching her rather than being right there talking and in the moment. Camera worlds must create a lot of this though.

  7. She’s looks more beautiful 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

  8. Props and a gold star to her for getting the fat surgery, but hats off to the folks that actually put the effort into changing their lifestyle, eating habits, fitness routine and exercising some self-control in managing to reclaim their health.

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