1. O men so you got it in your footage the high five and the midair catch of cricket 👍 AWESOME 👍 o and I said in a comment to stingy your like one big family and than I watch your video to the end and that really touched my heart! Oke I got tears in my eyes at the end and iam really happy for you that you found these guys man!

  2. Can’t believe he slapped that quad right out the sky. What what what… then he just pulled one out of the air?! In the sunset! Epic shot too!!! I cried a little, Bro… pretty sad goodbye stuff right there. Sniff sniff😬😞

  3. Love the energy, it’s a goal to rip mad packs with the lot of ya. I may be throwing unfolded lawn furniture up in the air now, but I’m drinking milk and getting my stick time so I can hang someday (hopefully).

    As always, loved it!

  4. I really don't think you need to unlock the unify, if you're using OSD. On an "unlocked" one, but using osd, when powering on it shows the power level with the led. I never unlocked mine but I'm on power level 4.

  5. … just saw some a$$hat trying to cast shade on the Bot (LulzLoser or something like that)… said he was ANTIFA. When I heard that I said "well…. I always have liked Bot! Now I know why!" Keep your chin up and fight that good fight.

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