1. hey guys! i’m starting this workout along with another and i’m going to do this one 2 times a day and the other 1 time a day for a week! i’ll update u all in a week!!! like to remind me!

  2. So I am gonna try this give me some motivation so I could keep in doing this because every time I do a workout I just quit so I will do this for a week and I will keep you guys some updates

    Day 1:

  3. After doing this workout for over a week I got really unmotivated because I wasn’t seeing any results 😕 So I stopped for a day and now imma switch workouts but overall it was still a good workout but maybe I should try a different workout. No hate at all I loved doing the workout but I wasn’t seeing results and my weight wasn’t going down.
    Edit: I am gonna try her intense flat stomach workout and see what happens! Wish me luck lol

  4. i absolutely love this workout! i’ve been doing this for about a week now along with a few HIIT workouts and eating healthier and i’m already seeing results! today i went swimming w my friends and was amazed by how my love handles have slimmed down! i’ll continue to do this everyday! thank you so much Holly❤️

  5. I've decided to do this every day for a week !! started yesterday, doing 2x a day along with her 11 line abs and 1 week flat tummy workout !! I'll update the day of with the difficulty of the workout and if I'm seeing any results !!

    Day 1: The woodchoppers were very difficult but I really like the 10 sec rest between each workout. I did this yesterday for the first time and I woke up feeling a little sore especially in my obliques because I don't work those very often. I'm probably just imagining it seeing as it's pretty early but it already looks like my waist is slimming a little bit.. Love handles haven't changed at all though 🙂

  6. I’ve been doing this workout for about three weeks. I thought I didn’t see results, until I looked at a picture a month before I started this workout. This workout is very effective! I recommend a 100%

  7. I will do the workout and I'll post daily updates
    – Day 1: I did the workout twice , first in the morning and then in the afternoon it was a bit hard but I managed to complete it
    – Day 2 : Despite the pain of my abbs, I completed the workout
    – Day 3 : I was busy and I came home so tired, still I completed the workout, It wasn't easy tho
    – Day 4 : workout completed, It's getting easier!
    – Day 5 : I finished the workout and I still got the energy to continue!!
    – Day 6 : It was easy!
    – Day 7 : workout completed along with a 5 minutes workout from another channel
    – Day 8 : I was busy today, I walked 9 kilometers, so I can't exercice today, but I promise tomorrow I'll do the workout twice!!

  8. I’ve tried so many different channels , but so far the only ones that I received distinct changes were with Holly dolke and Koboko fitness , with koboko fitness I’d definitely say it works but not the quickest results if you’re a really unmotivated soul like me , but with holly dolke my waist was snatched in a week , just waiting till it goes down into my hips . I guess you have to first trim unnecessary upper fat for it to work so keep going guys !!!!💕💕

  9. Today is my day 3 on ur intense abs workout am including this and the lower abs for the next 10 days I will update u guys in Sha Allah pls like to remind me

  10. 1 like = 1 day
    Need motivation 😋 posting results I’ll update you guys

    Week 1: saw little bit results by wensday w/ consuming oily free food, veggies,proteins, no sugar drink only water I’m really getting motivated by the results 😋


  11. I’ve been doing workouts from Gabrielle for over a week now and started this one but I feel like I’m not seeing any results at all and I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong because I can feel the burn and I’m not exactly fat I’m skinny but my tummy is a little bigger than flat and I usually eat healthy. I need help :/ if anyone can give me any

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