1. I’m trying to start eating healthy and loosing some weight I am trying to decide what guide book to get! The hot body meal plan or the guiltless nutrition and lifestyle!!

  2. Hi aboslutely loved ur video hope u get a chance to respond. 😆 um did u not lose all ur boobs or chest areas during ur weight loss journey or did u workout ur chest or something?

  3. You are my story in a NUTSHELL! Down to hypothyroidism… everything you’ve gone through is what I’ve gone through!
    My question to you… during your weight loss journey, did you plateau at all? This is my frustration now. Over 3 months, no changes. I exercise 5x/week and monitor my food intake ALL the time yet I can tell(even if I don’t weigh myself) just by the way my clothes fit me that I haven’t changed in size. It’s made me so unhappy and feeling defeated. So much work with no results is, to me, the ultimate failure but I don’t know where to turn. Nutritionist maybe?
    Thank you for your uplifting videos and workouts!

  4. I m having hypertyroids at 48. I wanted to exercise but didn't know where to start as my resting heartbeat is 90 to 120. Where should I start? If you have some advice I would appreciate for you to share with me 🙂 Thank you💕

  5. I just started my channel documenting my story to losing 40 lbs. You are such an inspiration and I'm so happy to know it can be done .. and done with health in mind. I see so many people on 2-7 day Fasting and starving themselves to lose weight… that's not my jam. Thanks so much for being such a positive influence!!

  6. I was 145 lbs now im 115 lbs at 5'3 i feel so energised with this body like now i feel like walking more or just goin out more and No breathing problems anymore like i used to have before.. Never stepped a foot inside a gym… Only my body.. n lost 30 lbs in 5 months.

  7. I love you totally because some fitness influencer started like anorectic and build muscle but I hate my body because I'm craving my fridge, eat junky and now you can change my mindset about food. I see you in popsugar and I say yeah who's that??? She's pretty good and the recipes OH MY GOSH!!! And when I saw your first weight loss story I said "Yeah that's my girl !" and I thinking about what I eat and think about it. It works thanks :-* LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! <3

  8. I'm starting at 10 stone 4 pounds. My goal is to be 9 stones. I'm 162.5 cm tall. I'm really going to try and stick to this health drive. Wish me luck !!! I'll try and update once a month

  9. I’m starting off at 240. I’m hoping to get back down to 200 at least but I just want to be able to have the same energy as I did 2-3 years ago. Don’t know how long it will take but I’m going to make it happen. Wish me luck ❤️

  10. Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate your frankness and emphasizing that in small consistent ways we may improve our body and health. I would like to know what brand is your smart watch? I am thinking about purchasing one.

  11. I was seven (right after the tragic death of my father) when older family members, cousins of mine in their late thirties (a married couple) started calling me fat and thunder thighs. I’ve had serious issues with BDD since then and I’ve never been anything but very thin…it’s insane what comments can do to a person

  12. I started working out (crunches) a little over 4 months ago and I've lost around 10 pounds but everyone around me says I look like I've lost more. I'm slowly losing weight and hope to soon have abs somewhat. I currently weigh 195 pounds and 5'6. I currently do 500-750 (300 on a bad day) crunches everyday. I'm trying to add some more exercises in too! 🤗

  13. This video made me cry. I needed this thank you so much for being so kind about it and being relatable.. I’m struggling so much mentally and physically right now and I struggle with keepin myself accountable throughout my journey. I feel like I’m stuck but you’re giving me hope again and making me feel like I can make progress even if I’m not losing weight as fast as I want to

  14. Thank you for the video I’m on a journey to treat my body better also 💜 I’m 135 right now I lost 20 lbs but I’m getting discouraged. Your video helped and I plan on being healthier.

  15. Have been listening to about 4 of your videos this afternoon for the first time. Loving them. I do not need to lose weight but need to eat healthier and need to tone up in places. I have reconnected with my crush from Grade 10 and we have started to get back into a healthier condition for and with each other. He needs to change his diet a bit too and needs to lose weight around the spare tire area. This is great having Brian part of it. Really enjoying both of your comments and personalities. Thanks so very much for doing these. Thanks for sharing your story. I am excited for my new partner as he was like you but has that confidence like you developed once he began to get back into fitness. I feel great about him because he is like you because he still feels good about himself and works hard at his fitness. I adore him the way he is but know he will feel healthier and live longer once that spare tire is gone. I am hoping he will enjoy doing some grocery shopping and food preparations and those pizzas with me. Thanks so very much. Lenore in Penticton BC Canada.

  16. I've lost 21 pounds since last October and I was at my heaviest as well. I admire you telling us your story and your feelings becuz alot of it matches my own. I'm not yet at my healthy weight goal but I'm so much closer. Thank you for this.

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