1. Whats up my friend?!?!?!?! Good to hear the pep in your step coming along nicely…. These are the best times to pray sir as when we are hungry and suffering He hears it better for whatever reason… just a thought. And was SUPER glad to hear you also have professionals helping you with this so your'e not just starving yourself without advice on it lol. Glad for you Nick. VERY much so. When you come off of your fast sir – and ask your doctor to confirm so you know I'm not sending you sideways – stick to fruits and veggies, maybe tuna and chicken, but TONS of fruits and veggies. I lost like 45lbs once with just beans and fruit and it only took 3 months. The reason is they take more calories to burn just naturally then you take in when eating them. Its an automatic process your body does WITHOUT having to work them off, so eating them is actually causing weight loss in itself. It's pretty cool how our bodies can do that I think, Either way – VERY happy for you Nick. Be careful sir, and as always – you are in our prayers. God Bless you brother!!!!!!!

  2. I’m gonna get that greens powder! I have the opposite problem of being too nauseous to eat… I spend every other week vomiting for days with migraine – I look like the old lady in the shining!

  3. Great job!!! The struggle is for real. I had brain surgery. No food really has made me feel weird! You are my inspiration! You are amazing=) thank you for being here!!

  4. Present. Loyal ?always loyal to my homies that are loyal to the lord. Saw your cat lol wish my cat hadn't ran away just before we moved. Maybe I should fast too. I think i will fast as well i haven't fasted since March and April when my wife left three days after our anniversary and then the hospital killed my dad during a hernia surgery. Yea life has been fooey but when its fooed up ya fast free lol any how subscribed homie

  5. 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

    Well done matey, you might be a bit head fuzzy but you sound great. Ok so we’re on blue and purple foods now.

    Blue purple foods benefits are:
    Full of antioxidants which are great for the immunity, help fight inflammation, improves the ability to absorb calcium and other nutrients, helps lower LDL cholesterol (which is the “bad” cholesterol), supports eye health (specifically for the retina), supports healthy digestion, acts as anticarcinogens (battles cancer causing cells) especially throughout the digestive tract, reduces tumour growth, reduces the activity of cancer cells throughout the body. Wow I’m gonna get me some of these blue purple foods, which are:

    Eggplant (never had it, tell me what it’s like if you do), purple cabbage, purple asparagus, purple carrots, purple potatoes, plums, blueberries, blackberries, elderberries (I’m gonna pick these next year and make jam or syrup God willing), black currants. Have a walk down the veg and fruit isle and see what you see 👀

  6. Hello🤗🤗 i watched yesturdays late. Stay away from sin!!!❤❤❤❤ you think I watch your videos to watch you???? Nooooo!!! I watch to see your kitty!!😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤. Love your cats!!!! You can make a funnel from a water bottle. Cut top of it off to chape of funnell. Fasting that long is dangerous!!! Take care. ❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗

  7. an occasional fast s ok, however please dont look at this as a diet and see it as a lifestyle change. do not deny yourself things you love but keep then at a bare minimum. if you quit eating everything you will end up failing. the point is not to lose as fast as you can, it is to d it healthily. eat all the steamed and raw veggies you want, not fruit just veggies, I am proud of you. =keep it up brother, keep praying. God bless

  8. Nick, I agree with your dietician, more than 3 days of fasting can not only be dangerous, but it can cause you to gain more weight in the long run. Please take your advice and come out of the fast slow. Your doing great tho. Keep up the good work! God bless

  9. The fibre is good for flushing toxins! Excellent formula with the greens*
    Normal to feel tired with fasting
    Smart to break your fast with veggies & protien…or smoothies
    Have a great weekend Nick!

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