1. Looking back on this, I think the Wendie Plan is best for those who need that structure and/or are new to using weeklies. If you've gone months without dipping into your weeklies (much or at all), using them can be pretty overwhelming. Sometimes, having a set plan of how to use them (whether it's the Wendie Plan or simply giving yourself an extra 7pp each day if dividing them up evenly across the week works better for you) makes it seem less overwhelming.

    If you're used to using them as needed, the structure may not work as well because it takes away the flexibility/freedom. This is probably why I loved the plan and you didn't- because I wasn't comfortable figuring out how to use my weeklies throughout the week. (I was very much a hoard or binge kind of gal). Having someone outline a plan worked really well for me. Now, I'm starting to feel more comfortable with eating food I enjoy, so the plan isn't really ideal. I am reaching a point where there are days when a higher points target is forcing me to overeat and having to rely on numbers to tell me what to eat and when to eat it is causing more harm than anything. However, I don't think I'd be at this point if I didn't take that time to at least experiment with the Wendie Plan.

  2. I did the Wendy plan last week and I lost .6 pounds even though I binged on a day because my best friend died of cancer so I’m thinking I would’ve lost more than that if I hadn’t had a binge day. I’m doing it again this week

  3. I lost 3 lbs the first week. Second week, gained back 2! This week I’m doing regular points. So for me, the plan worked…sorta! Maybe there’s more to it than I know.

  4. Hi there! I LOVED this video. Made me laugh a couple times – I love your sense of humor =) If you do it again please let us know how it goes. I'm very curious about it.

  5. Was so looking forward to this video! Will you be doing another when you retry the plan next week? Also, do the Healthy Eating bars have any artificial sugars in them? I know you've talked about them several times and I'd love to try them, but am like you and try to avoid the artificial sweeteners.

  6. I enjoyed the experiment! I wholeheartedly agree that bodies need a shake up. I do better when I use my weeklies on just 1-3 days a week. The other days I vary between low and high of the blue dot range. My goal is to end the week with about 1/2 of my weeklies but that happens by using a lot and adding rollovers on some days to pay the bank back. I plan my high point day(s) based on my schedule. If you are on Connect it’s basically the ssprengel plan.

  7. Great video! It seems that Wendie is no different than eating your daily Points plus Weeklies as needed. Wouldn’t that naturally give you different Points everyday while staying within your total Points for the week? Am I missing something?

  8. Great video. I agree it sounds hard to eat a set number of points versus having freedom to eat your weeklies when you want to. One thing I notice with my body if I over eat one week it doesn’t necessarily show up at the next weigh in. Sometimes it takes the next weigh in to show up.

  9. I really enjoyed this video and I don't mind longer videos if necessary. I found your experience really interesting and I'm happy to hear that you aren't completely giving up on the Wendie plan quite yet. As you've said there can be so many reasons for the gain and I don't think 1 week is enough to really determine if a plan is working or not. I would to see you do another video like this one when you attempt the plan again 🙂

  10. Your body could also be playing catch-up from the week before. Perhaps your body is running a week behind schedule, so the gain you got this week was really from the week before where you had that untracked day on top of eating all of your weeklies.

  11. I have never tried Wendie Plan and will at some point. The one thing I like is that it is a good discipline to keep to daily points…whether high or low, and not grab food just because we have weeklies to use. That is an issue I deal with…like let me grab some treats even if I’m not hungry but have weeklies.😕

  12. Hi Brianna! See why I said you got to give it more than one week? LOL I maintained too but that is not unusual for me. I was talking to a friend of mine who used to do the plan YEARS ago with me(talking 16 or so yrs ago, that is how long its been around) and she remembered me maintaining the first couple of weeks, cause she did too. LOL when your body realizes what is going on you will start losing.

  13. I had never heard of the Wendie Plan until you mentioned it. It’s always good when you can learn something from your experience. Sorry you didn’t have a loss on the scale. I have to rely on my 0 pts foods (fruits & veggies) when hungry 😋 and out of pts…one of the beauties I love about WWs flexibility….you always have something to fill that empty sensation in your gut…it may not always be what you want, but you do have healthy options. Thanks for doing this video to enlighten us re this method of spreading one’s WW pts over the course of a week.

  14. I followed the Wendie Plan this week and weighed in only .4 lbs down from last week! I am very sore from 120+ fit points I racked up this last week, so maybe that inflammation affected this weigh-in. I do not plan on doing the Wendie Plan again, but it was an interesting experiment.

  15. This was a great video! Thank you for sharing your results on the Wendie Plan!!! Can't wait to see if your second attempt works better for you! Have a great week!

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