1. If I break a leg, I will go to the gym and work out the other leg, if I break an arm, I will go to the gym and work the other arm, if both my legs are broke, I will do upper body, if my arms are broke I will do legs, if I have a virus, I will wear a hazmat suit and go to the gym, there are no excuses I will go to the gym! Everyone focus on their goals and get it! Lmao!

  2. What was said in the video for anyone who'd like to Ctrl c+ ctrl paste 🙂 I edited it a little so it makes more sense
    (Please like so people can see!)

    If you have a goal in mind and you want to achieve that goal you have to be willing to do whatever it takes. And if your not, your never going to reach that goal. The more you put into anything, the more your going to get out of it. The longer you train, the more you eat, the more you sleep, the better results your going to get. Small daily improvements overtime will lead you to stunning results. Tiny wins are the way to greatness. You need to do everything in your power so you can meet your goal

    When you find yourself getting lazy, when you find yourself getting unfocused it because you forgot what your doing it for. You forgot what you motivation is, you forgot what your reasoning is! So if you ever find yourself distracted remember why your there in the first place. Seriously, remember why your there!! Remember what's pushing you, cuz I guarantee you that the reason why your there- there was something that got you there in the first place. You have to grind for your future. You have to persist and push for your future.

    So you want to be successful? Then you've got to prove yourself, you've got to push through the dirt.

    Success doesn't happen by chance, it happens by change. It happens by having a purpose, and a clear plan that you can execute by taking daily action and not wasting time.

    You have to truly except that it's going to be hard.
    You don't want it to be easy, you want this to be real, powerful, you want this to amount to something. You have to want to work for it. You don't want to say "I don't deserve this" because there proof. You can look back at the sweat, the blood, the tears the sacrifices. That's all you! That something that you can do, and you want to be proud of that!

    A decision without action is only a good intention.

    So when I procrastinate, even though I think I'm giving myself a break.. I'm going to have to work twice as hard as I would have, had I just go up and done it.

    Discipline is nothing more than demonstrating your decisions on a daily basis. You have to looking at the other side of discipline. When you have the discipline to do the things that you really don't wanna do, then you earn the right to have the things that you really want to have.

    Take a look at everything you've accomplished so far and decide to compete with yourself so you can do more than you've done in your past. Challenge yourself.

    Growth is painful. But when it occurs it's always glorious and beautiful.

    There are 2 a decisions in life.
    Pain and regret.
    When your time comes, choose wisely.

    Your one decision away from living the best life. One decision from living your dreams. That decision is you saying yes to your destiny. Yes to your purpose.

    Challenges aren't meant to stop us or hold us back from our dreams. It's the opposite. There meant to help us discover who we are and what were made of.

    See dificult differently.

  3. Amazing video. I started my workout schedule this past Friday from this post (6 days ago) and this is my third workout since. This shit motivated me to hit my reps more consistently and made me go above and beyond my previous push-up and sit-up PRs.

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