1. Hi there, do you still recommend 2450. What about 2950 vs 2450. I am worried that in the UK they sell machines one generation behind the US market. So basically I am talking about pre 2019 models of 2450 and 2950.

  2. I'm buying a home treadmill for the very first time. Does this one have a smell to it? I know it's an odd question, but every gym I go to has a particular smell. You know what I mean! Part rubbery, part motor oil. I wouldn't want to introduce that kind of smell to my living room.

  3. can you browse the web with this treadmill? facebook, you tube etc?? i read on several websites that you can, but cannot find any specific instructions on how to do it? can someone help

  4. Love your reviews! Only down side with NordicTrack Treadmills is the REQUIRED iFit Monthly Subscription for $39 a month. You cannot buy their better Treadmills (2450 and 1750) without a 1 year commitment to a iFit subscription.

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