1. This would be a great journey for me as far as internally bc i feel unhealthy amd low energy and deal with depression periodically. I feel groggy in the a.m. and i just want to heal my body and lose stubborn fat and cellulite plus increase mental clarity amd productivity. Thank you for all the info sir cant wait to save some extra money on groceries as well lol

  2. Currently doing Omad I’m a pescatarian and dairy free. I do have tea 1 once a day and drink water. I feel so so much less bloated now and better about the way I eat. Best eating lifestyle I have tried out

  3. I have started 16:8 before about three weeks, and I have progressed to OMAD. I am eating one meal a day for about nine days, though I have twice had 36 hours fast in those nine days. Lost 4 kg. I work out few days a week. My question is am I allowed to drink protein shake in the morning? Would that affect fasting period?
    I love your video. Keep it up. Regards.

  4. Eating one meal a day since January 2019 and gonna continue this excellent method of nutrient intake (and enjoyment) from here on. Too scared to weigh myself when I started, but probably close to 160. Am now 133 lbs, 74 yr old female, 5'6" and doing great. I eat anything I want (usually at 11:30 am) until I am satisfied (whatever that is). Then nothing but liquids (coffee, tea, diet soda – yes diet soda, water, NO alcohol) for 24 hours. If I go to dinner, I just fast until that meal time. The one simple rule? Only eat once a day. Have struggled with weight issues for three quarters of a century (overfed from infancy). This works for me.

  5. This is how I ate throughout my 20s although I wasn't eating healthy but I would eat once a day and the rest of the day my body would spend burning off what I ate. And people would always ask me how I stayed so thin, at the end of the day it's pretty simple, you have to burn what you eat and more if you are trying to lose weight. I'm in my 40s now and I have had to adjust what I eat, I eat a lot healthier and my metabolism has slowed but OMAD still works great for me. Just takes a little longer to lose weight now that I'm no longer a spring chicken. LOL.

  6. I did it for 6 years as a Catholic monk, but only semi voluntarily. We were 100 men all very lean. As soon as I came out i started eating like everyone else and been going up and down in weight ever since. Thinking of going back to it…for a bit. I wasnt sure if it was good for us long term…digestive conditions? It's hard to say….short term or if not done too legalistically could be great…these guys are digging it so….ok. Great to hear.

  7. Hii people I would like to hear some opinions , I'm 20 years old girl and I'm studying architectecture Wich means that most of the time I don't have time for eating and also I'm usually broke xd soooo and I'm afraid of cancer. As I like to read a lot of nutrition, I came to the conclusion that omad would be so good for me,. But the fact is that the only omad videos I see are from ripped men anddd I'm so small xc in contrast so I would like to see if there are girls from my age who have done omad and has worked

  8. I gym in the mornings 5 times a week and on the night around 7pm i kickboks 5 days a week also. I wanna try the 1 meal a day
    Do you guys can recement when i shut take my 1 meal a day? And if i will lose allot of mussle??

  9. I just started one day, and now I don't want to stop, I feel amazing my depression is so much easier to control, I have a six pack and I sit down 14 hours a day, oh yeah and I lost 60 kgs in half a year.😁

    I even made a website to share my recipes.

  10. omad for a week. it clears up my acne. idk. but I really feel that it is the one that really helps it…when I did omad in a week. I had no acne for like 5 days straight. and when I break omad.. suddenly after 3 days I got zits again.. and now doing it for a month now… no zits. coupled with keto/paleo diet.. no processed food and sugar. planning to do for life now.

  11. I’m starting this tomorrow. I’ve been working out like crazy, not seeing the results that I want. I’m 34, 5’3” and weigh 135. Trying to lose these last 10 lbs and reduce cellulite has been HARD! Can’t wait to try this and see results.

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