1. My victory was committing to therapy in order to a dress issues that I had been carrying for so so long. I learned the meaning of stopping my self hatred, and that lead me to big love.
    My word this year is: Creation

  2. This video resonated with me so well! I love your intention driven approach to start off 2020 and have adopted a similar approach.

    My 2019 victory was prioritizing myself by starting therapy.

  3. My big victory is that I walked away from the "Big" job in order to focus on my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Also realizing that my career does not define who I am. It certainly took so much pressure off of me to just know that i don't have to burn my self out just to be worthy. Loved this exercise Ingrid! I look forward to celebrating even more Big Victories in 2020!

  4. Hello Ingrid, this might be weird to share online but I remember discovering you in 2017 and I felt something like you were not honest and like you were hiding something. You are not the first person this happened to me. Recently I discovered your podcast and I learned more about you and you finally showed your real self that I am so proud how far you come. Sorry if I couldn't be a loyal subscriber. I tend to unsubscribe many youtube channels as a detox. I am glad to resubscribe to your channel knowing you and I are trying to improve ourselves to become a better and to learn more. So thank you for being honest. I look forward to follow the journey of self -growth.

  5. My big victory was moving to South Korea for a new job.
    My word for 2020 is challenge. I really want to push myself out of my comfort zone in terms of health and fitness and really push to strive this year.

  6. My big victory is that I moved country! I lived in India but I have moved to the UK! I have never lived away from home and now I’m living on my own, in a completely new country, making new and all kinds of friends! 💫

  7. My big victory: start the publishing process is my first book!

    Ingrid! You have been such a great inspiration to me as a gay woman of color. You have helped me so much over the years. Watching you on YouTube gave me the strength to come out as a lesbian to my family in 2017. I have thus turned my life around and now I’m living my own truth! I’m most proud of finally wiring my memoir (Between Many Colors) and getting it published! Thank you so much for being this community together 💕😊🏳️‍🌈


  8. My big victory was advocating for myself and seeking out a therapist! I hadn't attended any sort of counseling since early college (8 years ago) so this was a big step! My word for 2020 is FREE: freedom from the things I've been holding on to too tightly, freedom from the pain my past trauma has caused me and I'm sure many other freeing feelings I don't know about yet 🙂

  9. My biggest victory is overcoming some intense anxiety I was feeling toward my relationship. I wanted to leave my partner and I didn’t know why. Through deep reflection I realized it had nothing to do with him and instead it had to do with being afraid my relationship would end up like my parents (my mom committed suicide and I had a fear I’d end up doing the same.) There are plenty of other moments I could share, but this one feels like the most important one because it led me to overcome a lot of childhood traumas and grow from them.

  10. My biggest victory of 2019 was finally realizing what unconditional love meant. The tail end of 2018 and all of 2019 has been a really challenging time for my mental health. Finally being able to ask for help, recognize that I need help and then accepting the help had me feeling both humbled and victorious.
    My 2020 victory and goal is to actively eliminate my external anxiety – credit card debt!
    Another 2020 goal/victory I want to achieve is to be more active.
    Thank you for this video.

  11. I LOVE that you are talking about money! Especially with your audience being a lot of women. You should look into doing something with Ellevest! I use it as an investing app and it is amazing. As someone who grew up in poverty and never even dreamed of investing, this app makes it so easy and accessible for women to invest and they also help you invest in sustainable and community-driven, women-owned businesses, which is a bonus! Thank you for being so open and therefore making it more comfortable for others to feel open as well.

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