1. 153 days of daily yoga. This is the longest Ive stuck to any healthy regime. Thank you my beautiful teacher, friend, angel 💕 btw I hurt my right shoulders, back from that 1 arm tapping plank move from last weeks yoga for sensitive knees. Today, its healed and I actually felt really strong doing it ^_^ just 1 of the numerous improvements I got from YWA

  2. Love this video, its one I do twice a week, along with your 30 day challenge, I'm repeating true, really noticing a improvement with my outer strength and inner strength, thank you so much Adriene for all that you do.💜

  3. I love you! How many lives have you changed? I am going on one year of daily YWA also. Game changer. It took me time to become addicted. To become absorbed and focused. For so long my mind would wander to the "to do" I have learned to slow down in my life too.
    I made another video about how yoga helps me, hoping my gardening and teacher subscribers will be encouraged to try. I would just die happy if you watched it! (not for many years of course). I can say so much but I LOVE YOU and Namaste will be enough.

  4. Thanks so much, Adrienne! I have an autoimmune disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis, and it causes a lot of inflammation and stiffness is my joints. Yoga is helping much better than any pill. I am grateful for your classes. Namaste 🌻

  5. My abs are still cranky from yesterday 😂 really good practice today though. Making it happen for yoga everyday this month! Yoga isn’t the only thing but it is all part of my daily collage of self-care

  6. Wonderful day 16, I really changed up my practice routine today I did my out side in the trash air that really helped my mood and I enjoyed today's practice so thank u Adriene for picking this one it was lovely, hope u are well, benji too, love you guys Namaste Everyone 💕💞💓💗💖❤🐶💪🙏

  7. i felt so much stronger today doing this practice than i know i was just a month or so ago! my arms don't shake so much in side planks anymore, and, while yogi bicycles are still a challenge, i only had to stop for a couple breaths of rest this time!! i mostly do yoga for the mental/spiritual benefits, but it's so cool to see the physical results in my body and how those things interact

  8. Yay! I finally did both side planks without much shaking from my foundation to my whole body 😍 This month is really about POWER ⚡️ Thank you so much Adriene for all the effort and hardwork you’ve done! May you continue to inspire us with your wit and gift of talent to be the best version of ourselves! 💗 Namaste 🙏🏻✨

  9. Wow, that was intense. But in a good way. Loved this practice, and to think that I was trying to resist and skip it for the Moon Yoga (today is full moon day)! I honestly don't regret it, instead, I'm thankful for today's practice. Namaste. 🙏💖

  10. This short practice was a challenge for this senior yogi, after those shoulder taps I had to do my version of those side planks 😅 but it was all good. I SO appreciated that cool down, that’s my daily practice done ! See you tomorrow on the mat Adriene 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🙏💞

  11. Really enjoyed this power break! I woke up late after a long day yesterday and needed something to make me sweat (which is not that hard to do down here in Puerto Rico) and feel like I got my blood moving, wake up my body but I didn't have much time. Question: I have had a persistent injury in my right upper arm…perhaps my tricep that really hurts when I try to do side plank. In fact, it feels like the muscle kind of collapses so I go down to forearm. Is this a good adjustment? Also, I like how this video ended…the music was softer at the end and didn't start immediately after saying "namaste" which allowed for a more peaceful transition off the mat. In other videos it feels the music starts just as I'm settling into shivassana and so it feels dissonant and abrupt sometimes.

  12. Wonderibg of anyone has tips on wrist strengthening. Even clawing through the finger tips on these down dog poses really starts to pull in my carpal/wrist flexor area and it is difficukt ro complete the poses due to pain, any advice on steenghening/protecting that area for these power yoga workouts?

  13. I don’t really feel the burn … am I doing it wrong or this isn’t that intense for me? I was doing cardios and other trainings tho.

  14. its been about a month since i started doing yoga every morning and night. i'm feeling a lot better about myself, i'm losing some weight, i'm getting better sleep, i'm better off mentally, i don't have back pains that often anymore, and my flexibility is back 😀 i should've started doing this a longgg time ago
    i just wanna say thanks, i'm grateful for everything you've done.

  15. I feel refreshed after this practice in combo with yoga to gain perspective. Both beautiful practices, great in combination. As always, thank you for offering so much free yoga. Namaste.

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