1. Calisthenics is better for overal fitness, but if you think your gonna be able to lift a ton more weight cuz of it ur crazy, sure you will be able to lift more weight than you usually could but nowhere near the powerlifter's level, you gotta train for that stuff

  2. I honestly think that this was a pretty fair battle yes it started with weightlifting but then moved into pull ups and dips which is certainly what a calisthenics person should excel in considerably.

  3. Well this is what happens to people with a big mouth,you really had nothing in the engine of that machine you said yourve got,pretty sad really,as thay say,nice paint work but nothing under the hood,🤣

  4. these kind of match could never be fair
    lifting is pissible without skills but what can powerlifter with no skills do? They can’t compete with muscleups nor handstand pushups, planche, and so on

  5. We know most of the Comments are just Racist, mafe in a nice Form, because most of the People have a small dick and zero stamina. so they got tp say stupid things like Ouhh Ahh yeh but he lost!, Mimimimi go grow a dick

  6. In my opinion, you should be strong on all compound movements while being able to manipulate your own body weight. To get good in one you have to sacrifice the other to an extent, so you should meet somewhere in the middle. The power lifter was more like what I just described. The calisthenics dude could manipulate his body weight and that’s it.

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