1. I've been doing the bro split forever I've been considering doing something different like push pull legs. Anxious to see your results keep up with the great content

  2. Thank you SO SO much for this Chris. I was in the exact same position as you with no clue how I'm gnna move over to PPL but thanks to you mate I'm starting this program tomorrow! You really helped man. Thanks again.

  3. I haven't finished the video while im writing this, but if youre looking to change your split I might peak your interest with something. its a 5 day split training everything 2x a weeks and its hella volume. plus you have day were you lift heavy because we are men and men lift heavy shit. so it runs like this: Upper, lower, rest, pull, push, legs, rest.

    this is the lighter compound for chest and shoulders. you can make this a heavier day for vertical pulling as well.
    Bench – (BB or DB) 6×8-10
    pull ups – 3x REP 8-9
    OHP – 3×8
    2nd Chest movement – (this can be anything really. if you did BB you can do DB. Pec dec, dips, incline DB/BB) 6×10-12
    2nd Back movement – (again can be anything. I would suggest a movement that stretches. you have great lats so you could keep your vertical pulling to this day and save horizontal for the Pull day) 6×10-12
    2nd Shoulder movement – lateral delt, lateral delt, lateral delt. shoulders can never be too wide. 6×12-20
    Arms: pick 2 for your fav workouts for bis and tris and super set them.

    this is my heavy squat day, but you could just as easily turn this in to a high volume day.
    im not going to tell you how to train your legs because everyone likes something different but simple is effective

    Calves – do them first so you're not too smoked by the end. take your preworkout as you start the first set so you're not too hype to squat.

    squat – 3×6
    leg press – 4×10-12
    leg ext – 4×10-12
    lunges – eh…dont die?
    DB single leg RDL- 4×8
    leg curls – 4×12

    assuming you didn't fry your hams from the legs day, you should be feeling good enough to kill them on this day. this day is for all your heavy hams and horizontal pulling aka deadlifts, rows, etc.

    DL/RDL/GHR (whatever you want that is a heavy compound for glutes and hams)
    Leg curl seated or laying/big workout ball leg curls (knee based movement) – 4×12
    Single leg ham movement – 4×8-10

    Bent over row – 4×6-8
    Cable Row/face pulls (think mid/upper back and rear delts) – 4×10-12
    Single Arm Row – 3×8-12
    Vertical pull or Machine Row – 3×10 (easy 10)

    pick 2-3 of your fav bi workouts – 4×8-12

    (optional) vertical pull or rear delts

    if you dont sleep like a fucking baby after this day you did it wrong

    HEAVY AF BENCH (I like bench so I bench heavy on this day)

    BB Bench – I work up to a heavy single for the day and do some type of back down sets. I dapple in powerlifting
    Incline DB – 3-4×8-12
    SMITH MACHINE Incline – (the most under rated upper chest builder. dont think about pushing. think about contracting) 4×12
    Incline fly or DB – 4×10-12
    (optional) Incline fly or DB

    DB press – 4×10-12
    DB laterals – 3×12-20
    cable or machine laterals – 3×12
    (optional or replacement) upright rows

    pick 2 tri workouts. I suggest at least one workout with elbow over head – 4×12

    this is a light day not meant to kill yourself but still working hard. chase the pump. also, this isn't a second quads day.

    Calves (yes, start the day with calves)
    Standing machine – 4×8-10
    Bent at the hips (leg press, donkey raise) – 4×12-20
    Seated calves – 4×10

    Hams (yes, hams are second and yes, hams 3 TIMES A WEEK.)
    Ham Curls – 4×8-12
    Single Leg RDL or stiff leg DL – 4×10-12
    Hip thrusts or 45 degree bench – 3×10-15

    Quads (yay quads. keep it simple)
    goblet squats – 4×12
    leg press (feet at bottom or what is comfortable) 4×10
    leg ext – eh…do what makes you happiest.
    (optional or replacement) squats, lunges

    in conclusion, I would advise going RPE 6-7 for weeks 1-4, RPE 7 for weeks 4-6, and by week 8 you should be able to be a full force RPE 8 at week 8. I personally rarely go above RPE 8 (im talking about the heavy shit. kill yourself laterals and bicep curls) but you do want you want. I personally dont do/ dont need a lot for arms so you could add an arms day if you really feel like you need more. you can even add calves to the arms day. if you even read this tell me what you think. yes, I now it hella volume but thats why you have to check your intensity at the start. I've been running this since about 6 months now and I made the mistake of starting off too strong, but nothing a deload week won't fix. Im also running this split with a buddy. he hasn't worked out in 2 years and jumped right in to this. I keep his intensity in check so he doesn't feel wrecked. but anyways yeah…see you at next years Mr. O!!!

  4. Chris, why not throw in dumbbell bench press as your primary movement on one of the two push days? I would think heavy dumbbell flat/incline bench would be a little safer and protect more against a major injury by breaking up some of the barbell workload. Also, I personally find that dumbbell bench targets the pecs a lot more and doesn't hit the triceps nearly as much which could be a good thing if you're doing heavy close-grip bench too. Either way I think you'll continue making improvements going forward and be the people's classic physique Mr. Olympia champion for the next several years!

  5. This guy with no back should give back his Olympia trophy to the 2 black guys he finish ahead of ,those 2 were light years better than the no back white guy

  6. Does anyone know if Chris said that he will release a paid version of Push-Pull-Legs program? I know that he mentioned some workouts in this video but I would be interested in a 8-12 week program.Thanks for your time guys!

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