1. Great advice: stop making excuses and get after it. The time wasted to create reasons to feel sorry for yourself could be used to fuel your workout. Awesome to see you do 3 rounds of a nasty triplet only to do another 3 rounds! Real gut check and mental test, Josh.

  2. Can you do teaching Vids for us, not stuff like split jerks and hard lifts but just simple tutorials, how you get a good squat, how to do stuff properly we respect a veteran like you and want some rookie advice

  3. Hey, thanks for all your videos and showing how to train through injury, they have been really helpful. It would be so helpful if you could do a bridging the gap video on the Hook grip or how you do the hook grip etc.

  4. Josh, I struggle with my heavier deadlifts, especially in a touch and go scenario. Even with my belt pulled as tight as I can stand, I can't keep my back from cramping or tightening. Any suggestions?

  5. I just want to say that I’ve been doing your warmup stretches for a few months now and I went from having tight hips and pain in my hips and lower back to totally pain free and limber. All my lifts improved, and my body just feels good. Thanks for stressing the importance of mobility and proper warmups👌👍

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