1. Hello mam i am about to follow this during ramzan. But i have one question. If i am taking chia weight loss drink during suhoor can i take your weight loss fat cutter drink of lemon ginger mint leaves and cucumber after iftar till dinnner time? I'll be taking chia drink during suhoor and is it okay for me to take the fat cutter drink after iftaar till dinner time? Or i should take either of the two.

  2. Vicky, I'm begging you please answer this :'( I really want to do this ramadan diet so much, I've searched the ingredients online(for the cheapest ones) and I can't afford them :'( I only can afford the ingredients for this diet https://youtu.be/aGtwMA5_mUo 900 calories 10 kg in 10 days diet. But now It's ramadan and I want to do this diet, please tell me how to do that diet method in Ramadan Vicky, please 🙁 I'm begging you please answer me 🙁

  3. hi mam i wanna ask something??
    as Ramzan has started i'm fasting from the first day in sehri i eat half roti n in aftari i only eat one date & drink liquid (sharbat about 4-5 glasses) and only a small bowl of dahi. Will i be able to loose 20 kgs
    kindly let me know. Thank you

  4. Can I just ask… are you a nutritionist? Just when you say drinking a particular health drink will help lose weight from stomach area…is this true? It's just I've read that green tea had 0 effect on weight loss:(

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