1. I still have the VHS tape of this. Happy to find it on YouTube, as we have no connected VCR, and this routine has been the only one I've ever done with consistantly. Corny? Absolutely. But effective!

  2. I have never understood his hair. It deserves an entire video on its own.
    I was young when aerobic was so popular. When we had matching leg warmers and skimpy swimsuit looking outfits and the hair was as fluffy as it could be. Exercise was really fun then.

  3. What a sweet man, 🙂 when I was working out I inspire to be like him but I had kids and becssue a p.e teacher lol than I became a fitness trainer and now I'm a amature body builder lol

  4. Is there another one of these elsewhere? I did this one and feel like i failed Richard and really want to try again with another styled 20 min routine of his >.<

  5. So many people made fun of Richard Simmons back in the day but I've always loved him and his enthusiasm. I like these videos because they show normal people doing the exercises and not just stick thin models. I really miss him.

  6. I skimmed through a few seconds of this and if I watched this I would have to kill someone after…i would not be convicted. …The best part starts at 25:11 it better than Richard's singing…

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