1. This movie is the hardest thing for me to watch. I cant get through it without crying immensely. I identify with everything I'm even a musician but I'm not famous. Gay, substance use problems, anger and it goes on.

  2. So in May 2019, NPR ran an interview with Elton about his final tour and my dad heard it and mentioned how he’d always wanted to see Elton in concert. I knew next to nothin about Elton but the movie was coming out in a month, so I went and saw it in theaters. And that’s when I decided to take my dad to see Elton and man, that man puts on a CONCERT!! It was beyond INCREDIBLE. Best decision ever 🌈💖🎶

  3. Well, I usually don't go negative on You Tube, but I can see why this movie made the jump from theaters to You Tube so fast. When I tuned in I was looking to see a good biopic about Elton John. What I got was a musical that is so historically inaccurate that I had to turn it off even if I did pay money to see it. It is a mess. Yes Elton says he loved the movie. What else is he going to say? He hasn't had a hit in over 20 years. This movie puts his name back to the fore front. For starters, John made his USA debut in 1970. Why was he riding in a 1975 Lincoln? Not to mention Crocodile Rock hadn't even been written yet. I could go on and on and on….

  4. Wow, I felt so many emotions while watching this movie. Felt every moment of Elton's life. Sometimes I feel and act same in my life. Love it

  5. If you like “across the universe” then you will love this film.,… I HATE across the universe, this isn’t as bad but I wanted a story, not a fucking musical. I’m 20 minutes in and pissed off I spent $5 on this rental but so glad I didn’t see it in theaters like I wanted to. I HATE MUSICALS.

  6. I kind of laugh everytime I see the scene from when they arrive at the Troubadour, because I went to Whiskey A Go-Go several years ago (which is very close) and thought the same exact thing! "This place is so small to be so FREAKIN' famous!" My friend's band was playing there… it was cool, but… I don't know, kind of a letdown.

  7. When you realize he sang every Elton song… his own vocal training for this movie and no song over like it was done for Rami’ Freddy act. This is such an amazing inspirational movie.. 😱😱😱💙💙💙

  8. Phenomenal! The story I'd like to see is Elton's REAL metamorphosis (psyche-wise) after he met David Furnish. I'd just love to see how they met and how, after SO many letdowns with love, he finally let David "in". Trust must have been really hard for him, especially with no alcohol or drugs to "hlp him along". Once again, kudos to this masterpiece – !

  9. I will watch this every single day of my life. Sir. Elton John, I have been in love with you since I was ten years old. I eventually went off to college with all of your albums (which I still have) praying you would find someone to love you. I know, crazy, right? You're not going to read this. Taron Egerton,'s performance was absolutely beautiful. So sweet and tender. 💗

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