1. The most important thing I ever learned is that the gym is for fitness and the kitchen is for dieting . It all starts in the kitchen, You can run 10 miles a day but if you are not eating proper both your fitness and your diet is going to suffer. Your diet is 100% the foundation for your fitness goals if you want to be a runner start by eating right.

  2. NO REAL way to concentrate or actually use this on a run because of all the fucking commercials. You actually had good content but I guess you need to make ends meet and really need the money.

  3. This video makes me so motivated, that I stoped the video after 10 Minutes. I took my running shoes and run 8 miles ! Thank you. You all have to be motivation, because if not you won’t get successful 💪🥇

  4. I always listen to this before I go running and when I am running , thank you it makes me , not want to give up no matter how hard it is. I training for a 10km in October, Trying to do it in less than an hour

  5. You think change will be made? Think of it this way. When your coming in with all you got on the finnish line tell yourself this. "Just 5 more seconds". And then when you cross that line keep running. Tell yourself.. just 5 seconds. It's going to hurt.. it's going to make you wanna cry. Your going to feel pain.. cramps, your going to have a red face. But just imagine this. Run as fast as you can until you physically arent capable to. You cant stop unless your body stops. I ran 3 laps today sprinting. I fell when I I finnished. You have to get past your fear.. get past your tiredness. Go out there and just run.. never stop running. Until you fall like I did. When you fall.. you then truely will know what tired is. yo will know what it's like to feel great. And just imagine.. 3 minutes of extra pain to soon be back at home relaxing. It ain't that hard guys! Keep pushing!

  6. I been jogging for a very long time . Every morning in motivation to keep going every second to third day. At first you may puff out the more you do it ! The more your going to build up the fitness.focus on one goal and make that goal physically happen! My goal is to keep going in the next few months without stopping and I know in my mind I can achieve it ! Without my mouth saying it! I done it before I can do it again non stop! The energy voice in my mind speaks and says keep making the progress! I will follow that to the very end of this life!

  7. Its Difficult to become great in your daily goals everyday gets frustrated. But self-discipline is the key. We all start from lower level just be patience day by day the mind and body knocks your door ''hey you started this journey nobody made this agenda. Began everything you practiced daily put it to the test. Show them''. Break the Impossible change yourself.

  8. I cant understand why at this point over 900 people have disliked this video ???? Its motivational inspiring it breaks your chain of thought and makes you listen and when you look down 20 mins or so have flew by

  9. I tried to run for 25 minutes strait and I thought I could easily do it but I quit on my 19th minute. I was so mad and disappointed on myself. I told myself I will run 2 miles because I stopped in my run. I watched this video while I was resting my 30 minutes and I went running and I ran an unbelievable 2 mile time and now I’m very happy for what I did. Thank you for movitating me to run. I am 12 yrs old btw. So don’t expect a 17 mile run for me😂

  10. Worked out listening to this and did great. More impressively, I felt mentally like I could eat a car after this video. We all can do whatever it is we want to accomplish.

  11. Running is an art. It’s a profession. It’s such a mind game. You really have to focus and have that strong mentality to accomplish your goal.

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