1. Hello sir I'm 20 years old boy training from 3 years got 13 kg of lean mass naturally but from last year i hit plateau and can't get gains anymore so should i go for sarms?

  2. Lol at LGD makes you look dry and striated. This guy knows little about sarms. Another reason why you shouldn’t use this as part of your research is that he’s only done stacks so how would he know what’s doing what?

  3. So remove my cardarine, LGD, and ostarine… and get rad 140
    I took rad 140 before and had great results… idk why change that ha

  4. No studies or testimonies confirming LGD as a cutting agent. Maybe you mean Osterine. LGD IS A BULKING agent and holds water.
    Interesting experience you had. Great.

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