1. Totally wrong info about body rotation, which is actually a big thing in swimming. Body should rotate with each stroke and not stay flat – so that you glide/cut thru water easily ..if intentional rotation is not in your stroke you should incorporate it .it will increase speed bigtime…Pls don't give wrong info.correct that part in the video.

    There are lot of exclusive videos on youtube explaining the importance of
    " body rotation " in swimming….
    Pls check out .!!


  2. More on the right technique…. I do swim with my head in like with my spine/straight posture/at 90 degrees. Having the head inclined at all produces more drag, not less. The bow wave is actually more drag, as with the head down, that bow wave, and the resulting dip behind the shoulders and wave over your bum is much more drag than if the water flows more straight over your body. In aviation, they call this induced drag. A lot of swimmers do have their heads at 30 to 45 degrees. Looking at a swimmer like Phelps, his head is much lower, at almost 90 degrees. As for the high elbow catch and pull, this makes for a bigger paddle to pull through the water for more propulsion. If you pull with a straight arm, then that can cause all sorts of shoulder problems. Pulling with the bent arm, in the 120 to 90 degree angle range, this generated more power with less work. I swim a little freestyle, but prefer the over arm side stroke. Much easier to breath, and far more efficient in terms of energy used, oxygen consumed, and distance per stroke than any other stroke. Much faster than breast stroke, but not as fast as freestyle…

  3. I am somehow able to swim this way the freestyle (with no breathing problems) except that portion which my arm exits the water to recover. At all times I was taught that the elbow should always be higher than the wrist during this entire phase until the fingers enter the water again up front. In the video, he seems to be making an arc and his elbow is at some portion lower than his wrist. Am I wrong here? thank you.

  4. Stop giving advice cuz free should be adopted for each person.. u don’t have to do same on vid cuz u can’t . Find the best style for body by basic rules of technique.. that’s it

    That’s straight arm technique..

  5. Poor video..

    body has to rotate with every stroke and not remain straight .(while breathing ur head should come along with the rotation and u dont need to turn the head separate ).

    WhatZ rong with u ppl??? providing wrong info??so sad.remove d video imd

  6. Missing was advice on kick timing relative to arm movement. I am not surprised by this omission. Most novices are in the dark about this, yet it is simple to teach and is crucial for efficient delivery of power.

  7. I am struggling with the direction. I don't use glasses. If I don't bring my head out of water I am not able to gauge the direction I am going in. I mostly go to the sides in such cases and end up touching the pool.

  8. Cumbersome and tedious (Brit dialect "bawtawm of the pool", "tummy bottun"?????????????, bottom; belly button………….King's English…………"wa tur"……….."water"………"baw dey"

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