1. Women can be fit and strong as any man, these videos prove it! For all those females out there who are good at “making excuses” and “giving out reasons” why they cannot (merely) improve their body composition or become fit……you are all just simply “LAZY” and or “you just do not want it badly enough”.
    For 26 years I have held a gym membership and kept a conscious of my condition and how I looked, now I did stop working out at one time for 5 years and got overweight and weak with the excuse I was to tired after work….it’s a lie and one I accepted. Being fit and healthy is not all about looking hot in summer clothes or how big ones muscles are it’s about being healthy and feeling healthy and with these two factors on your side in life your able to be feel proud and truly like how you look and feel thus giving you tremendous confidence and motivation to be your best at everything else!
    To truly love life and live it to the fullest you must start with loving yourself first and living every second of every day with a clear conscience in regards to you have no regrets in you decisions or indecision! It’s never too late to start caring about yourself and doing something about it! Good Luck!

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