1. Wow , this is certainly an awesome way to start off 2020.  And with that , HAPPY NEW YEAR  SCARLETT 👋😊  🍷😎  …  Thanks for all the good stuff you put into this , which I will easily peg my new favorite  Scarlett Lin Latt  video thus far. 😊 👏  …  From the training , to the sweet dance moves , to of course the icing on cake being the posing and flexing   💪   and obviously  you  look phenomenal overall , and yeah just for anyone in general , but especially only training  arms  for  a  year , those biceps  look fantastic and strong indeed. 😊   And I would just say in the future to also include your biceps when doing the back poses as well , to fully display those all around gains.  👍😊  So yeah , 2020 will be even better for you Scarlett , and glute encyclopedia will continue to expand  😂 😂  and lucky viewers will grow in knowledge and wisdom along the way.   One thing all of this made me wonder ,  is if you wanted to someday participate in  a  fitness sanctioned bikini competition ??

  2. happy new year gorgeous 😍 look at your physique!! I actually didnt train arms untill 2019 as well but Im seeing alot of progress. sometimes dont you need to spend hours in the gym, all you need is 45 min! great workout xo

  3. Happy New Year everyone! What are your physique/mental/life goals for 2020? Hope you enjoy the quick glute workout I filmed during the Christmas day☺️ and I am sorry the video quality may not be that good now because I had to edit it on my phone. Nevertheless enjoy!

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