1. czesc – sympatyczna mistrzyni- ja od lat już dodatkowo cwicze (kiedys w klubie) w kazdej wolnej chwili przy kobietach, opiece, pomocy starszym i nie tylko, pracy drodze nauce , kontuzjach i wielu innych sprawach dodatkowo w kazdej wolnej chwili i kiedy sie da wieczorami ,nocami itd a czesto w nocy, w deszczu, sniegu itd to hartuje- pozdrowienia

  2. no second channels decresses if ur wanting that play button one utuber mistakes one channel get button faster yes u may have ur up n downs but if ur wondering…?

  3. That is a good vid with a very positive message at the end. Bliss is beautiful and being an Aussiedoodle, I’m sure very intelligent. Loved watching her play during your routine.

  4. I like the content you create, this one was cool, a bit of TKD and some happy times.

    I started learning ITF TKD last week, after being a karate guy forever. I definitely needed my old White belt again!!

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