1. You're putting out bad information, you should update your knowledge base, vegans have higher testosterone levels than meat eaters, and better and stronger erections. All protein originates from plants!

  2. Thanks Funk, coming up on 40 and healing from surgery& injury, in that order last year. I’ll be checking out the link, see ya soon.Your character and presentation very helpful.

  3. One of the very few people on the internet who actually knows what he is talking about! Kudos! I've spent years trying to figure this out through trial and error and can confirm that all these points are spot on. No crazy cardio, no restrictive diets, no 7 days a week exhausting training. All you have to do is strength training (30-40 minutes, foundational exercises) once every 4-5 days to give your body enough time for full recovery (micro injuries tend to accumulate very fast if you don't rest your joints and tendons), and a balanced diet. Your metabolism will go up, you will lose fat while gaining muscle and strength. Not a rocket science, and yet we seem to always chase after some voodoo systems that don't work and can even cause serious issues down the road!

    Once again, great video, Man! I've been following the same principles for a while now. Never had more energy in my entire life. Never been stronger. My students, friends and co-workers keep asking for a magic pill and think I'm secretly using some black sorcery, lol. Sometimes it's so hard to accept the simple truth…


  4. Funk, thanks for the video and I'm sure you'll be happy to know, I already have #3 covered 'working out too much' 😉 Yeah you probably heard it before, though.

  5. I'm 39. And recently started getting back into shape, about 2 months ago. Only needing to a little weight. Took about a week to really start getting it going. But lost 20lbs. And now I'm happy with my weight. Just gotta keep working out and get even more toned like my younger days, haha. Also recently split up with my girl after 18yrs. And recently been on a few dates. And got one girl in particular I'm really looking to get serious with. A 27yr old fellow Aries!

  6. Hey funk, I’m 55 and recovering from a total bicep tear in my left arm. Only up to 6lb weight. I put on some weight during recovery. And got cleared to run finally. Dropped about 16 lbs. but have plateaued and stopped at 230 lbs. any suggestions on dif cardio that’s safe for my arm ?

  7. Sorry brother Funk but Keto is life. I'm 55 and follow a low carb high fat diet. I swim and do core exercises and have lost pounds and pounds. Fyi, my wife is enjoying all my new energy too

  8. Hi My name is Mike. I have prostate cancer and my medicine that I take kills all my testosterone. I am 66 years old. What diet would you recommend. This is a serious Question. Thanks, Mike

  9. So what would you think of an exercise routine that consisted of running a mile and a half twice a week and spending an hour to an hour and a half exercising using the rings every other day. BTW I'm 49

  10. You can build big muscles on a vegan diet, Don't let this myth of: "you need to eat meat to build muscles" fool you. It has been debunked many times. Check out the youtube channel of Hench Herbivore, or do a search for vegan weight lifters diet. Amazing stuff.

  11. Great Video brother! Im 43, and i've been in/out of the gym since in my 20's. Off/On heath trips. I have a typical beer belly but big arms. Funny looking but would someday like to get cut again and looking for inspiration on youtube and you've got me fired up. thanks

  12. Seems I’m doing the right things for the most part. I got seriously back into weight training 3 years ago at 45. (I was always really muscular and toned in my 20s and early 30s). My muscle tone was all but gone, my posture was bad, my belly was protruding and I had even started to develop man-boobs. Three years of cutting as much sugar, saturated fat and processed foods from my diet, combined with regular heavy weight training with only limited cardio and I’m now back to my prime. My body fat is around 10%, my stomach flat, my posture good and I’m very muscular again. It’s been tough but so rewarding. I did it for the most part as an experiment to see what was possible – age it seems really is just a number. This video tallies mostly with my approach (avoiding fad diets and too much cardio) but I still use the same “bro-split” routines I did 20 years ago. They still work for me it seems… My workouts are far more intensive and targeted than they were in my youth so perhaps that’s why. It’s definitely a slower process to build muscle than it once was but it can be done if you just refuse to quit.

  13. Like most of these videos on Youtube they're a bag of mixed good and bad information. His advice on diet is all wrong. Primarily because we're all different and what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. You need to experiment to find what works best for you and it helps to speak with your doctor and see – through your blood work – if you're genetically predisposed to things like iron deficiencies, etc. You can then tailor your diet a lot better to your body's actual requirements.

    There is zero empirical evidence that vegetarianism leads to lower levels of testosterone. If anything it's the opposite. However, again, that depends on what exactly you're eating. So long as you eat a balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and zinc, eating a vegetarian diet should not lower your testosterone levels. Zinc is the big one. That's what keeps the lead in the pencil so to speak. Impotence is a result of a severe lack of nitric oxide (fruit and veg) and too much meat. It has nothing to do with lack of T. In fact too much T is also bad for you because T stored in body fat can be converted to estrogen through a process called aromatization. If short you want to limit meat intake to no more than 25% of your overall diet, ideally less is better. There's also the other issues that post 50 it really increases your chances of colon cancer, pancreatitis, etc. Like Michael Pollan said, 'Eat real food, mostly plants and fruit, not too much.'

    Strength and cardio conditioning are key for 50+ workouts. Do things like Yoga, Pilates, and resistance training. Way easier, and safer, on the joints and bones and the muscle gets all the stretching and strengthening it wants and needs. It still never ceases to amaze me when I see other guys 50 plus come into the gym and don't do any warm-ups/downs, cardio, they just hit the weights for an hour and leave. Boggles the mind.

  14. I'm 46 and speed walk a little over 15 miles a week. Some days I mix in a jog with my speed walking workout. I average about 1 hour 10 minutes per workout. Also, my average speed according to my cardio app is 4.5 to 4.8 mph. Some days hitting 5.0 mph. I really love being out on the trail doing my speed walking workouts. Would you suggest I lower my workouts to 3 miles? Or maybe only 2 workouts a week for a total of 10 miles a week?

  15. I do an under 30 minute workout a few days a week. I'm almost 50 and I look great. It's true that overworking out and not eating the right foods will actually have a negative impact on your body. This brother definitely knows what he's talking about✌️

  16. You say that we shouldn't do super sets with opposing muscle groups , and you say that we should be in and out of the gym in 30mins while doing full body workouts.
    Maybe I'm not underwing you correctly; I do full body workouts 3 days per week with recovery time between workouts. I normally always superset tri's & bi's, and shoulders & calves with cardio at end of workout. The weight training alone takes all of 90 mins plus 30 mins of cardio; and that's with super setting 4 body parts. Okay, I can drop the cardio on days that l lift because the lifting alone is always fast paced. However, how in the world do I manage full body workouts in 30 mins? FYI, I am 62, 6'1", 225 lbs, with 18" arms, a 52" chest and a layer of body fat that I can't get rid of, lol. –HELP–

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