1. I want to know more about phlex edge, I use a mood now and it never really catches all the info accurately, like sometimes it will detect freestyle when I am actually doing a breast stroke, also not very helpful if you forget to sync it with your phone, phone needs to be in the vicinity and you gotta wait 2-3 mins to sync the whole thing! I tried to search on the net about phlex edge i found no reviews, just a indigogo page that says it will ship out by november?

  2. I’m not a big fan of beginner swimmers holding the board like that. If you’ve already been swimming for a few years and have a positive body position when swimming, then using a board is fine because your muscle memory will kick in. However, if you are just beginning to swim, it is important to reinforce correct body position. If you hold the board on the ends with your head in between your arms and face in the water, you get a better feel of what your body needs to be doing when you are swimming (chest is down, back end is slightly elevated, like you are swimming downhill – a positive body position). This goes for all kicks on your front (dolphin, breaststroke, flutter). Also, if you’re having difficulty with kicking on your side, use a kickboard or a pull buoy under the flat hand that is extended in front. This helps your body balance and keeps you from pushing down with that arm when you need to breathe, which is the correct body position in the freestyle stroke when you breathe.

  3. My Favourite time of day ….
    When my notification pops up with the latest Vid from the PHLEX guys!!😄
    Turns a good day at work to a freakin’ awesome lunch break…😉

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