1. If they moved the CrossFit Games around the world each year, I’m fairly certain it would make visa’s easier to get so people who had qualified could actually attend. It would also make CrossFit even more accessible

  2. Unrelated question but any help appreciated. I had a Vasectomy yesterday, I already have cabin fever (and aching nads). Any #CrossFit athletes out there let me know how long you had off before getting back to it???

  3. So basically all national champions that finishes in ass place in the open go to the games? So we gonna have like 15 worthless competitors but they are invited because they won their country?

  4. Do any of you know what the Open Schedule dates are for This October? I’m trying to program around the Open but I haven’t found any solid dates. Thanks in advance!

  5. I don t like the cut after the first event. I hope they chance that in the future. Like you said people come from all over the world. It doesn t feel fair to ask that from half of the athletes.

  6. Craig and Jas, is there anyway ye can meet up with Clarence Kennedy. The man is a freak of nature and should be met. His diet alone is worth finding out more about.

  7. I was just in WIT London this past weekend and they were out of almost everything. Hoping that with WIT taking over the CF store, they'll have all the U.S. stuff available for Europe also.

  8. Is it me or did WIT just come out of nowhere? Like the owner of WIT seems to have taken his brand to a whole new level in the space of a year. I know they've been going for 4, but I only really heard about them last year and now this has happened, incredible.

  9. If I qualified for the games I would show up wave… try to complete the first event and say that was a good run for the title…. grab my swag bag and big ass sign with my name on it and go watch the beasts with all my friends setting in the stands!

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