1. I dont think people, even 'activists', realize what we are dealing with or have an understanding of the full context of which the issue sits within. It has been estimated that even if the whole planet went cold turkey with our human emissions it would still be at least 2 years before a notable change in CO2 emissions could be observed. But, of course, will we ever get anywhere near to cold turkey? Absolutely not, not even a third of that with the most optimistic of outlooks. It's just not feedable for humanity/society in its modern state. And even if we did, the return of CO2 to 'natural' or 'minimum' levels would still be a constant increase, just at a lower gradient. Therefore the natural threat this increase poses to many species would just be postponed to the typical timescale at which this process usually occures on our planet (hundred of thousands and millions of years) as it did with the countless mass extinction events in our history. Events that mean no short of 99.9% of all species that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. In summary: campaigning for climate change is asking the elite and powerful, the absolute greediest of a generally selfish self-aware species who dont like to give up the modern comforts they were born into, to essentially part with their wealth and priviledge to commit to the cause of postponing an already inevitable event to beyond our immediate timescale. Something they, directly, will not benefit from at all… Hmmm how do you think that's going to go??

  2. The mega violence in the weather we now see is a very extremely serious problem, but the world is not seeing the true cause, our world was once destroyed by a huge global world flood because of their EVIL ways now that being said the next time it will be DESTROYED with 🔥 for its EVIL ways, get wisdom and repent! This weather is just a warning to give you a little more time! Keep Gods law the 10 commandments and that includes the 7th day sabbath and you and your friends and family will be safe 🔥❤️

  3. jesus christ 5mins in and i'm out. "i see everything in black and white", this is why we humor children and their misguided good intention. Being an adult is realising there is no black and white just endless shade of difficult to navigate grey. What because she's a child and an autistic person we're automatically meant to agree? im blocking the next person to share this on FB.

  4. I feel very sorry for this poor little girl. She has been brainwashed by eco-terrorists and "do-gooders" to take the weight of the World upon her shoulders. Hopefully her psyche won't implode when she realizes that her mentors are just cowardly hypocrites who knew all along that they could never change the World.

  5. In Russia, forests are burning, millions of hectares, for more than a month, they need to be extinguished, they are a real threat to our climate, from this melts glacier in the ocean! And no one puts them out! No one wants that! How many animals have already died, it's scary! Not coal-fired power plants!

  6. What an admirable young lady. It's too bad, we are inevitably on our way to a future where all attempts at saving the earth have failed. I'm not saying give up. It's better to be on the side who failed to rescue the earth than to be among those who succeeded at ruining it.

  7. She – or rather her handlers – make me puke.
    Oh but I should not even question the veracity of her demented ravings.
    After all she's a girl. Small girl. Sick small girl with pigtails. PR bulletproof masterpiece !

  8. The only really solution to save the planet is: get rid of human. So let's start with global birth control. Nobody should have more than child in future. This is the last chance for humanity. If we do not start right now with reducing births, nature will do it for us.

  9. Die hat doch keine Ahnung. Dummes armes Kind von der Politik benutzt um noch mehr Profit zu generieren. Stoppt Flugzeuge Schiffe. Stoppt Fabriken die Müll ins Wasser lassen. Stoppt die gierigen Politiker und Unternehmer die auf unsere Kosten und auf Kosten der Erde ihre Taschen voll machen.

  10. Man made climate change is a hoax. It's all about taxing and controlling people's freedom. Greta is a propaganda tool of the elite. People are brainwashed to believe this lie. Look up the science. It's all a hoax.

  11. she needs to stop having hope…..we lost in 2012…..its over now too late….we passed all the tipping points….soon all the dumb people will see its the end,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then the wars will start

  12. "Crass materialism…" "lays excessive and ever-increasing emphasis on material well-being, forgetful of those things of the spirit on which alone a sure and stable foundation can be laid for human society." ~ Shoghi Effendi, Baha'i Faith

  13. This spectrum case is a mouthpiece for her parents and the financial influence behind them. Her father is related to Svante Arrhenius the "Father of Climate Change". This is the same take on the same trash of the little girl in the "Please help the world" COP15 (United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen) the very same conference where "scientists" committed suicide to avoid punishment for their FABRICATED numbers and LIE of global warming as certain got leaked to the press and internet. Leftists/Socialists always hide behind children, use children as their mouthpiece and claim if you attack the message you are attacking the child. This is cowardice at its worse. This Greta girl is a victim of financial leverage and emotional exploitation.

  14. Non so voi ma a me, quando sento parlare di riscaldamento globale e di cambiamento climatico, viene sempre in mente la storiella del tacchino induttivista che mi raccontò una volta Karl Popper. La conoscete? No? Ve la racconto.
    C’era una volta un tacchino che aveva un padrone che ogni mattina alle 9 gli portava il pasto. Il tacchino, però, era induttivista e prima di giungere a delle conclusioni affrettate volle fare delle scrupolose verifiche. Così si mise di buzzo buono e raccolse quanti più dati possibili facendo molte ma molte ma proprio molte osservazioni. Notò che il padrone gli portava il pasto alle 9 del mattino sia con il sole sia con la pioggia, sia con il freddo sia con il caldo, sia con il vento sia con la bonaccia e, insomma, cascasse pure il mondo ogni mattina puntualmente riceveva il pasto. Allora, molto soddisfatto delle sue induzioni il tacchino, che si dava arie da scienziato, poté ricavare la sua legge universale o di natura: “Ogni mattina alle ore 9 il padrone mi serve il pasto”. Purtroppo, la legge universale fu smentita la vigilia di Natale quando il padrone invece di servire il pasto al suo gallinaccio lo sgozzò per servirlo in tavola il giorno dopo!…..

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