1. I was waiting for that film so long but I'm disappointed really. There wasn't so many information. Watching videos of Dr. Klapper, Dr. Greger and many more, reading China Study, How not to die, How to prevent and reverse heart disease I know more that its said in the film. Why they mentioned even vegan? There is a massive difference between vegan and plant based food!
    You need to watch Hope

  2. Since i’m vegan for healthy reasons, i just can’t eat meats anymore, and i can’t tell you that i need meats too, there’s better alternatives. Plants regime and insects regime are the actual futur.

  3. Did you know that we are the only culture to have a full on no meat diet? Other studies have shown that no other tribe, indigenous people, founding fathers etc went meat free

  4. Get a bunch of celebs onboard and people will lap this shit up. Not everyone will do well on a vegan/plant based diet, health goes far deeper that eating more greens. Most people in the first place were eating pure shite to begin with and then they make the transition to plant based and claim it's all because they cut out meat.. hasn't it occured to anyone that they started to eat real food so that's why they feel better?? Eventually that 'good feeling' will drop off and you'll feel average again due to the absense of meat, then you will fall back into shitty patterns of eating, possibly even gain weight, worsen that skin problem you had because you started to go for the FREE from foods that are calorie dense and full of obscure unnatural ingredients all because you got bored of eating a bunch of leaves and craved something more satiating.

  5. Yeah massive animals can get that way eating nothing but leaves, one thing you leave out though is that they eat kilos of the stuff and it takes half the day.

  6. More propaganda. The truth is always in the middle. Of course we need to eat more vegetables and meat. Less carbs and no sugar. I feel the evidence shows quite clearly the issue is sugar and simple carbohydrates.

  7. I was scared to go vegan because I thought I'd be eating too many carbs and gain weight. But I swapped meat for legumes and the opposite happened. I've never been leaner or stronger in my whole life. I also used to be anemic but not anymore. Turns out there's TONS of iron in plants!!

  8. This movie is full of hypocrisy.. like the idiot who claims he spent 1000 hours studying nutrition, that's 40 DAYS you Dumbass…..as if you've become an expert in that time

  9. I've been waiting for this my whole life.. Now I can show this documentary to every a**hole that I've been tryin to explain this for years. For everyone who still thinks meet has benefits, it doesn't.. Just for the sake of some proteins and other nutrients you will sacrifice your whole organism for that starting with your stomach to process that meet than overload your liver with fats that he doesn't need and a lots of toxins stuck on your colon. Ppl think if they eat a kilo of meet the body will assimilate all that. The system will extract what he needs which is roughly for a kilo around 100-150 grams of nutrients and proteins, the rest of it it will intoxicate your body in the elimination process creating fatigue, feeling heavy, remaining toxins will cause bad skin complexity, ageing faster. And if you keep eating like that and your body will repeat this process at some point will be full of toxins that it can eliminate and that is the sources of major diseases like cancer. Try and eat meet in the evening and in the next morning smeel you breath.. It stinks like a dead animal, because that's what's happens, first it putrefies it doesn't just melt like most ppl think..If someone could watch what is happening in his stomach all this time I promise you will never touch any kind of meat for the rest of your life.

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