1. So diabetes runs in my family. A high carb diet after three months gave me prediabetic blood glucose levels. Immediately went back to Paleo and within a week i started improving and I didn’t have to lie down for hours to wait for my symptoms to stop.

  2. The magic pill documentary is not a keto documentary, but primal diet. The paleo/keto combinations are used specifically for cancer patients and epileptics in the film. A paleo diet doesn’t count your carbs, protein or fat. It is simply a diet that restricts what our ancestors 10000 bc on, didn’t eat. This includes restricting dairy, grains, sugar and legumes. Cutting these items out will not prevent you from maintaining a healthy vegetarian or vegan diet. All I can say is most vegan channels are obsessed with bashing high fat and protein diets.

  3. Well Mic the Vegan, you are just grossly misinformed and wrong on most of what you speak in this regard, except with over-processed food. You pick and choose the study information to bolster your position, yet you vilify others for doing the same. "The Magic Pill" title appears to be an irony of modern medicines solution to every human disease; the pills they give are the "magic" ones. You must have also missed the point made in the documentary stated as: "meat, fat (whole animal) and vegetables". They are not making the case that vegetables, or vegan diets, are bad for human health, but you ARE claiming meat and fat is unhealthy. You also make no mention of other essential nutrients, but neither do they. It is all based on balance. You should look into the works of Dr. Joel Wallach and Linus Pauling. Nearly all vegan diets do NOT provide humans all that is needed for optimal health. You should get off of your high horse and really look into the reality. All the vegans and vegetarians I have ever known have been unhealthy people. My Sister was a vegetarian and vegan nearly all her life, and she was always quite unhealthy. She passed a few years ago from an infection her body could not fight; before her older siblings (50's-60's), parents (80's) and grandparents (90's). If you are not truly helping, then you are hurting.

  4. I understand some people want to be vegan… But did you know that you can do keto while vegan? Did you know that the keto diet is not a meat base diet. Yes you can eat meat on it but its a vegitable base diet with getting fats from heathy oils and nuts. You really need to understand what your talking about before you tall about it. This is not a meat base diet. Its a veggie base diet.

  5. I find it hard to trust anything a vegan says. They start from the conclusion and work their way towards finding evidence to fit the conclusion. They're too emotionally attached to be truly objective

  6. I heard about the magic pill when encountered this video. After i searched and watch the magic pill, i am convinced that, ketogenic diet is very good , encouraging natural foods whereas vegan diet actually promoting agriculture that destroy the earth.

  7. I just finished 16 months of keto. Normal Cholesterol at start and now, 90th percentile of danger for heart attack and stroke. Two weeks ago I went full vegan. Feel much better. Going to test again in a month. I feel hopeful. The drugs that are prescribed to remedy arterial plaque are toxic in the extreme.

  8. thanks for all the research and included proofs, the summary and all this interesting topics. Much better than this absurd documentary….its creepy actually. Not even my parents ate so much meat…and we are just one generation apart!

  9. I went to a Whole Foods store. They had vegan right next to the keto items. I went to give blood. They offered to exchange my pint of blood for a cup of animal fat and cholesterol (ice cream) That's Messed UP!. – It makes me wonder.. all that blood people donate filled with animal fats and cholesterol.. why would they use such tainted blood? That Cannot be good for anybody.

  10. I often look closely at the ratio of likes to dislikes. This video has a very low like to dislike ratio. Only about 6 to 1, while vids that are mostly agreed with are more like 30:1. When you consider that many (most ?) People search for videos which they like, or are into, 6:1 tells me that their are a lot of people do not agree with this.

  11. Lol comparing heavily cropped fields to pasture raised cows is moronic. You need far more fertilizer to feed the corn than you do the cows some might say 40x lol. Add on the fact a lot of calories are thrown away from cows as people are scared of fat and a massive % of crops that are not sell able to the general population or go bad, lots are recycled by feeding to animals hence the high crop consumption of animals. Then you have pest control issues and crap nutrition the corn provides outside of calories- decreasing every year since the soil is over farmed and people like nice looking food not whats nutritious, so it's breed that way. You also have to clear the fields of all life every year to regrow your crops… Super win vegans….

  12. Your a idiot, when you run out of excess glucose your type 2 diabetes ends. Cancer cells eat glucose so if you starve them they cannot survive. It’s science stupid. It’s the way we survived for millions of years until 1961. You shouldn’t lie to people.

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