1. I started learning how to swim few months ago. I really enjoy watching your videos. You guys make swim looks so fun and professional. I learn a lot from your channel. Thank you very much. I have a question about how to combine the stroke and the legs. What's the temple? It took me a while to get the pulling and kicking together with 2 bt kick. But I can't get it right with 6 bt kick.What could I do? Any suggestions? Thank you a again for your great work. It helps me a lot.

  2. for me its easier to swim using like 95% of my upper body.Few days ago i swam 1500 meters freestyle using only arms cuz its easier for me and i dont get like super tired but if im using my legs i can swim like 700 meters top

  3. I can do every stroke with basically same speed, butterfly and free is a little faster though, but I can swim side stroke as fast as most swimmers that can swim free,,,,,

  4. Hey guys, thanks so much for this. Do you have a view on synchronising arms and legs? I used to think each arm-pull fits 3 kicks, therefore 6 beat kick is a two arm pull cycle… But my coach says that's not correct and that I shouldn't aim to sync… I'm interested in your opinion, while I guess there's more than one approach to this.
    Thank you!

  5. Phlex, thank you for this vid. I'm kind of a freestyle specialist, in that I used to focus more on free than on breast or back (I know it's bad; I'm backing off of that and concentrating on other strokes now), and I've been aware of this problem for quite some time already. I use the kickboard to build up leg endurance but I never found the balance between kicking and pulling. My lower body usually gets wasted after 2 sets of 4x25m free :/
    Thanks so much, will try out this drill when I go to the pool next.

    P.S. you know u guys are making it big when the keyboard judges start hitting your videos in full force. Been seeing one/two in ur past few vids lul

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