1. What gets me about this show is the fact that these people got themselves where they are and in the shape they are in all on their own, then want help to get rid of all their big eating mistakes and all they do is whine and cry and have their one person pity parties when the Dr, tries to help them! Then these huge people have the utter audacity to say that the Dr has no idea what he's talking about that they know what they can and can not eat and how to help themselves! Really? They know how to help themselves, yet they got themselves way over 600 pounds! And they have the nerve to blame it on the Dr! WOW!

  2. So basically the untold truth is …their private life? Really? It's clear that you have a lot of free time to spend on prying other people's life. What a sad life you have!

  3. Dr Now´s son seems to be heavy too — as the expressions says: people who live in glass houses should not throw stones… Maybe we´ll have an episode of the series in which the son himself goes thorugh the bypass surgery??

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