1. 12 weeks pregnant with twins which means I'm already huge lol. So I chose this workout because it got my heart rate up really steady and felt really good for my body. Thank you Amy! 🙌

  2. I am over weight and trying to control my weight during pregnancy. I’m 32 weeks and this exercise is fantastic thank you I’ll be doing this once or twice a day.

  3. This really helped my wife because she has had such an uncomfortable pregnancy. We live in area that gets to 105 degrees everyday during the summer so she can’t go walking like she did with our first daughter.

  4. I`d badly experienced serious symptoms of heartburn. I was a victim of a serious acid reflux problems as well as chest pains and 20 days since I have started out utilizing this acid reflux disease treatment method “gοwοzο raka” (Gοοgle it), my heartburn was totally relieved! The burning experience, stomach pain, the bloatedness as well as the constant burping have absolutely eliminated. . .

  5. 38 weeks today, and this one has been my go-to workout for the past week. Perfect intensity for this big bump that gets tight easily. I hope to keep doing this one for the next two weeks, or until the baby decides to come out 🙂 Amy, you have helped me keep moving through this pregnancy! THANK YOU!

  6. i’m 33 weeks today and this made me feel so good! it’s been hard for me to work out because i work 5 days a week and i’m always exhausted by the time i get home but this workout was perfect!!!

  7. Loved this! It was just enough for me to complete yet gave me a workout. I only have 2 weeks till my due date and it took me this long to find something that suits me.

  8. Amy you are fantastic. Love doing exercise with you! I'm in my 31 week and I do feel fab thanks to you. I have been watching your videos since my first trimester and I'm completely pleased. I just want you to thank for all the tips and time I spent watching you. 😘😊

  9. I’m 34 weeks and have transitioned from weight training to body weight work and this felt so lovely! Just enough to make me feel energized and uplifted. Thank you!

  10. Love it! Not too heavy and not too light either! Just enough for me in my 3rd trimester. Been doing your prenatal exercises since first tri! Thanks and God bless you!

  11. i sit all day at work and man, im just sick of not getting enough exercise while pregnant with my second. Im 28 weeks and tired! i couldn't finish the video. I did most but im beat! IM DETERMINED!- I have been walking everyday for the past week for 30 minutes at least, but I feel like its not enough. Thank you for this work out! its a challenge.

  12. This was AMAZING! Thank you! I'm at nearly 29 weeks and haven't been confident about what exercises are safe and reasonable at this stage of pregnancy, so I've just been going for walks. This takes my pregnancy workouts to a whole new level. I feel pleasantly exerted and flushed, but not overworked or exhausted. I feel super energetic and happy! I really appreciate what you've done by making this video!

  13. Kimberly here at 30 weeks + 5 days and I also love this prenatal cardio workout. Again, I only did the first 15 mins because I want to do another 15mins of Yoga. Next pregnancy (God/nature-willing), I won't wait until the end of my 2nd trimester to workout again. Because I always worked out hard in the gym pre-pregnancy, everyone told me to relax and not work out so much. I'll just follow your home workouts so I don't feel guilty for not going to the gym.

  14. 28 weeks and working out with you since the very beginning!! I tried alot of different exercise videos on yt but yours are definitely the best! Not too easy but not too hard as well! Thank you for sharing your workouts!! <3

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