1. Good luck to you and yours in 2020! I myself miss swimming but, will start back again after moving back to my home area where we have pools everywhere.

  2. how dumb is that girl?! she said that the resistance bags look like "hell" !!! LMAO what the fuck that suppose to mean?!!! she cant even speak properly. Fucking DUMB and retarded.

  3. As a cranky morning person, I really, really felt for Courtney. One doesn't stand between her and coffee, it would appear. And she was such a sport to film a swimming practice, a visually monotonous experience unless one is in the water doing it. She must really, really like our man, Calvyn.

  4. "He's dying" when i herd those words i suddenly remembered what the morning work out we did this morning lols. Greats vids bro hope you upload more often and an early goodluck for tokyo 2020

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