1. I don't know if this is a good idea for you or not, but I would be interested in a service in wich you would review programs written by subscribers for money.

  2. Yeah I hate when my squat "dwindles down" to 545 for 4.thats one thing that's nice about commercial gyms,you can be the gyms beast squatting 315 for a set of 5.and then write off all the you tube monsters with steroids and fake weights.🤔

  3. Even though you are repping with 495, I am just as impressed with someone doing 135 (or less), that uses good form. I miss the days of lifting in a real iron gym. I am going to a 24 hour fitness where guys load up the hip sled and come down only halfway and use their hands to help. Lots of guys sitting around on the machines and benches playing with cellphones and taking 5 min rest sets. Lee Priest said, that everyone wants to be big, but nobody wants to lift the weights to get big.

  4. I like that you count the plates out for the top set. I do the same thing after forgetting to put one on a while back lol. My brain is always shit once the weights get heavy, gotta compensate by treating myself like an idiot.

  5. I Squat twice a week, low bar one day, front squats the other. I'm not sure where my sticking point is, but my knees collapse at heavy loads so my glutes seem weaker than my quads which I'm working on. Last 1RM was 335lbs a few weeks ago.

  6. how long did it take to get all this work done?
    and pls get stefi and the hybrid crew some strongman movements stones log etc.
    looking forward to that content

  7. im guessing 6:50 to run a mile cause ur legs are big and u squat over twice your body weight and i know theres no correlation between topics, but i respect that! lol

  8. Deadlift+OHP then Squat+Bench seem to be an optimal way to split for strength. Is that how you typically structure your programming?

    Also you're getting some pretty heavy popping in your voice overs occasionally. Brutal with head phones on.

  9. Wheres your favorite places to get shorts for training? My legs are big too and finding good shorts to train in is tough because they keep splitting when I squat 🙁

  10. You don’t seem to do much upper back/lat work. I understand that all the main lifts will work the back, but for shoulder health and muscular balance I would think you’d be doing more

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