1. this guy is a living ledgend! mark my words tyson fury will go down in history. his ring iq and boxing style is unique. a heavyweight that moves like a welterweight pure genuis!

  2. He Can move n Box but it's SO Awkward n far from graceful! Hes like the white guy who all the other white guys think can dance but all others are looking at him like what in the world is that. I see what hes going for there but seriously

  3. 6 mile isn't that long. It'll took me less than 90 minutes to run that distance. But as a boxer, it's not recommended for him to run very long distance since he'll lost energy for other training stuff.

  4. I have a question to Tyson Fury. I doubt he will ever see this,but I wonder why Fury doesn't really develop his legs more. Legendary heavyweight boxers who had both power and stamina always had thick legs,especially on thigh part. Ali,Frazier,Holyfield,etc. Having a thick leg also helps to maintain your weight as far as I know,since it consumes more calories than any other parts in body. I assume there is a reason behind why Fury doesn't develop big thick legs?

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