1. Great insightful video! I remember being like this when I was young. All it takes is the decision to learn and grow when you're that young. If you have an interest in nutrition and fitness you can become fit! For any young people!

  2. My partner and i couldn’t believe it when my colleague told me regarding the diet program “sowo hope site” he’d found. Search it on Google. I can hardly believe my eyes when she lost 15 lbs so quickly I can almost watch the pounds melt away as she worked.

  3. Is there any way that I can get on this show sometime in the future? I'm 16 years old and have lost around 70 pounds so far and took up body building a while ago. When I finally achieve my goals I would love to be on this show

  4. Such an awesome video! Thank you Quest for sharing this and thank you to Hassan for sharing your story! It is truly inspirational. I can definitely relate to your experience being someone who did not know anything about nutrition as a kid. I was actually an active kid as well, but like you Hasaan couldn't out run my diet. I was also bullied often for my weight. That click moment is definitely a beneficial moment to have and some people never get it. I am thankful to have had that not once but several times. Finding people you can relate to who have similar stories and you can relate to is extremely important. Knowing that you are not alone and embrace the change to make a better lifestyle! Great story!! 🙂


  5. Quest I'm addicted to this show! I tune in every Tuesday!! This is a AWESOME SERIES!!!!!! So inspiring! And John is awesome! I'm on a weight loss journey of my own! I hope one day I'm on it!!!

  6. Obesity is such a problem in the younger generations and it is only getting worse and worse (I know having been an obese child and teenager myself). Such an inspiring story man. Being obese effects you so much as a child and often passes on in to adulthood, but I am glad you were able to change your life for the better before you got to that point. Well done 🙂

  7. So incredibly proud of you for courageously sharing your story Hassan! I love that swimming is now a positive part of your life again – I loved horses growing up, but was always teased about them. However, they've always been my passion and I owe so much of my life to them. Now, I am back riding everyday and they have become one of my biggest strengths. Don't ever doubt the impact you have simply by being YOU for a second!

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