1. People can eat pizza and burgers and grilled cheese as long as you make sure you don't eat too many calories. That can mean smaller portion sizes or eating less often/fasting or eating small snacks that don't have much calories the rest of the day. You can also work out a lot to burn the calories down. It's not the healthiest thing in the world for everyone but that's how a lot of these people do it.

  2. Wow these meals are similar to what I had to eat for my 28 day challenge which by the way… WORKED and helped me soooo much mentally and physically. Heres the link: @t Hope it changes someone else's life like it did mine xx

  3. Models do not lie to you. If you weigh 120 pounds you can eat 1400 and not gain weight because that’s your maintenance. To lose weight u eat 1200, they don’t need to lose weight so they will not be eating as if they needed too. Eating healthy helps with how u feel and better skin and longevity.

  4. It depends on genes too and diet . I am thin . I eat junk too . Mostly salads . I’m sure these models do the same eat healthy , work out , and good genes probably has some part .

  5. lmao you can eat burgers n fries every day w out gaining weight if u have milk protein allergies. then u can't absorb the nutrients… dafuq idk… I looked like an anorexic ahfoaofhwa before i stoped eating dairy products.

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