1. I think my friend could have made it to the olympics if she didnt quit this is what she could do at 12 the age she quit
    Beam: double tuck dismount front walkover mount switch ring layout stepout x 3 on low beam
    Vault: Yurchenko full tucked handspring front pike tsuk full
    Bars Almost Maloney jagger piked!! and straddled
    best event Floor double arabian, double pike double layout off tumble track moors off trampoline
    front double twist gogean

  2. CoP 2017-20
    (Made with predicted edited skills)
    (No repeated skills but cv kept)
    0.9 CV
    Simone Biles performed a watered down 6.8 routine at the 2019 GK US Classic

    Breakdown of 8 valued skills

    0:23 – 2.5 backwards (D)
    0:37 – L hop 360 (C)
    0:45 – Triple turn (C)
    0:50 – Double tuck 1.5 twist (G)
    1:01 – Layout 1.5 twist (C)
    1:31 – Double back tuck (D)
    1:41 – Double Double (H)
    1:43 – Wolf Jump full to front support (B)

    Front Full (C) and Double Twist (C) have been excluded for the third dance element to complete the requirement.


  3. This would not fly at all under the current Code of Points. More than four tumbling passes, plus back-to-back passes from the same corner with nothing in between, AND the only dance elements are a solitary L-hop full, a triple spin, and the wolf jump full to front support? Awful.

  4. great gymnastics!!! a masive D score cuz the connection values, but under the current judging system the E score would take a hit….more intricate moves and connections meaning more rooms for deduction. Look what Biles did, with 4 super difficult tumbling passes, ranged from E-H elements, gaining a good 8.8-9.0 points on E score. hope the new COP 2017-2020 would actually encourage gymnasts to bring back the dance and artistry

  5. Larry 306
    2 years ago
    I am always amazed at these kids…Great job editing..

    Larry 306
    2 years ago
    I am always amazed at these kids…Great job editing..

    Larry 306
    2 years ago
    I am always amazed at these kids…Great job editing..

    Larry 306
    2 years ago
    I am always amazed at these kids…Great job editing..
    Larry 306
    2 years ago
    I am always amazed at these kids…Great job editing..

  6. I read Simone Biles can almost jump her height vertically…How much gymnastc rug help her? The most gifted volleyball player (male) jumps 127 cm being 196 cm tall..

  7. great gymnastics!!! a masive D score cuz the connection values, but under the current judging system the E score would take a hit….more intricate moves and connections meaning more rooms for deduction. Look what Biles did, with 4 super difficult tumbling passes, ranged from E-H elements, gaining a good 8.8-9.0 points on E score. hope the new COP 2017-2020 would actually encourage gymnasts to bring back the dance and artistry

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