1. I love you and I mean no hate/judgment but I have to ask!! I don’t know if you’ve already addressed this or not, I apologize if you have!! anyway, I can tell you’re really into becoming more sustainable/zero waste and that is amazing ♻️ but have you ever looked into how much the meat/diary industry effects the environment? and if so, why have you not tried eliminating it from your diet? ❤️

  2. I always go to the morning yoga classes at the Y, ALL the yoga instructors there are so good and for the price of the YMCA membership, I think it's the best deal in Boise. Also MUUV yoga studio is beautiful, I go there once a week and its the most magical place. It's hidden away, but has a great view of the Boise River.

  3. I see a ton of comments saying people recently resubbed, which is great but I’m so happy I’ve been here since your Walgreens haul. You’ve had highs, lows and direction changes on YouTube but so happy to have been here though all of your growth. Hope you are doing well!

  4. Lindsey I have been following you since you were in your pink room at home. You were probably one of the first youtubers i ever watched. I am now 21 and I'm still here! I loved your content then but especially now. My life is very similar to yours i go to college online and most times the only reason i leave my house is for work. I have been trying to get into fitness and nothing really sticks. The gym gives me anxiety and I just wasn't sure what type of exercise was for me. Bar classes and other things are too expensive in my area. Going to YMCA never crossed my mind i don't know why. Theres one like 10 minutes from my house. I looked it up online and they even offer water aerobics which i absolutely love anything water related. I hope you see this and i just wanted to say thank you for being you. You are amazing.

  5. That kind of Oatly is the BEST in coffee and honestly anything it's so thick and creamy and they infuse it with so many really great vitamins. Game! Changer! I have a passion for the dark blue oatly!!

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