1. Loved this menu going to have a go of it you are such a natural mum Nikki I read your Instagram as well most days you have taken to motherhood so so well .Your a gorgeous lady and thanks for sharing your tips with us all xxx 💖

  2. I live in the middle of nowhere and driving miles at night to the nearest class isn't an option. I am using the pack I got when I joined a group 3 years ago – then we moved. So for the past ten weeks I've sort of been using you and your vids as my group leader and group. I've lost 10Kg in 10 weeks – don't know what that is in old money and I don't want to know at the moment because so long as the number keeps going down, it doesn't matter by how much. I know if I was counting in stones and pounds, I would be agonising over every ounce. The other good news is we are moving again, this time to a town where there are 2 groups who meet during the day. Being retired, that means I can join a class and go in daylight. We move, hopefully, in about 8 weeks (fingers, legs, everything crossed), but I will still be watching your vids and want to say thank you for making them.

  3. Love your what I eat videos give me so much inspiration.
    The Aldi sweet potato Curry.. so much controversy around it.. can’t find a definitive answer anywhere.. is it free? Some people say free others say 6.5 syns.. thought you would be the best person to ask. Xxxx

  4. Hope Grayson recovers quickly with the chicken pox, I have heard oat baths help soothe the itch and scab the spots much quicker. I didn't do it with either of mine, I was told about it after my last one had chicken pox last year.

    Absolutely love your what I eat in a days!

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