1. Congratulations on your new house it's lovely! Also garlic is 💯life I have garlic every day 😝Sorry future hubby 💁🏼That sandwich looked tasty af next time you make the garlic sauce add crushed garlic, dry parsley, tiny squeeze of lemon, mayo and then thin it out with a lil bit water it will taste unreal (I use Heinz mayo) ❤️

  2. I literally cannot live without your WIEIAD videos so please don’t stop doing them 💕🙏🏾 and congratulations on your new home I love your aesthetic!

  3. I’m from Trinidad 🇹🇹 so a lot of garlic is a must🙌🏽 Watch yaself ☝🏽lol Omg the aesthetic is so gorgeous in the new place! Can’t wait for a tour☺️

  4. Garlic is everything! I love your videos and your pup! How did you learn all this cooking and what measurements to do. I need to start cooking more and I am terrible at it!

  5. I just have to say that I’m a new youtuber and you inspire me to try these healthier meal ideas 💡 I’m excited!
    P.s I love subbing to new youtubers as well 😬

  6. Girl, Garlic is Life! Peeps just don't get it. When I'm sharing a recipe with someone and they ask me how much garlic is needed , i always get the side eye, cuz I reply with "I don't measure. I jut shake till I think it's enough. >u<

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