1. Maaaaaaan the oat recipe is the truth!!! I tried it and it tastes incredible !  the only difference was I didn't have almond butter on hand so i had to use cashew butter(hopefully that's ok) but other than that, the recipe is a definite winner! thanks for sharing Brother…

  2. it would be really helpful if you made a video with a full day course with workout sessions in between or on that day, love your channel, very inspiring, very positive and helpful. I am no bodybuilder and I'm only 15 at the time but I really want to start living a healthy lifestyle because until now I have just consumed most of the time bad food but I try to cook healthy as I can and I've always been passionate about going gym and love working out even at home when I can .thanks for being a big inspiration for me and for other people

  3. Eating this kind of breakfast without working out that much would it be bad for u? Like I don’t want to gain weight, I’m just trying to eat better and be full, and get more vitamins and nutrients

  4. Son, how would you like to work fo Uncle Sam? An M1A1 Abrams tank was just decommissioned today and I think they’re looking to fill that spot with something more heavy duty. Hooyah!

  5. shirt is taken off to show the final result of eating this kind of breakfast each day. just answering if your wondering why his shirt is off even though its just another video.

  6. its getting really boring to watch all these long 10 min + fitness videos that are long to meet youtube money making requirement but have less than a min worth of titled material in them.

  7. Usally i drink ice coffees after or before dinner and breakfast but lucky for me i have just about plenty of nutritious, carbo hydrated in my system to give enough supplements though out my days to keep my physique peek form going mainly,so i ain't gotta worry about being out of shape at anythime neither though.

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