1. So what you are saying is that we should be grateful to obese people as they are technically CO2 carbon capture machines. If all the overweight people in the world got slim the earth would warm up even faster!! we really need to stop beating up on fact people and thank them for their efforts!!

  2. Me, using simple high school knowledge: Fat is stored energy for the body, it is converted into energy when needed.
    The video: This is complicated stuff, I'm here to simplify it to be simple but not as simple as the explanation you were given in high school.

  3. Eating too much fat makes you fat. Eating too much whole foods that happen to be rich in carbohydrates do not make you fat. Why'd you show pasta and grains? Those things have fibre and as long as you're not consuming a bunch of processed junk that lack fibre, you won't get fat, at least not very easily. Carbs are your friend. Every cell in your body uses glucose, a sugar, to use as energy. Too much saturated fat is linked to type 2 diabetes because it lowers the insulin sensitivity of cells. If sugar can't get in the cells, you'll have elevated blood sugars. Sugars from whole foods aren't the problem. Fat and processed junk food and beverages are the problem. Saturated fat is the worst culprit of them all.

  4. Guys, build muscle doesn't have to be hard (I
    used to feel it did). I'll give you some advice right now. Search a
    diet plan called Fenoboci Diet Plan. Seriously, that program has
    transformed my entire life. I probably shouldn't even be talking about
    it cause I don't want a bunch of other guys out there running the same
    "game" but whatever, I am in a great mood today so I will share the
    wealth haha.

  5. what you fail to tell is … when you excercise you need the energy to go to the muscles and also to refill the enrgy storage…
    these videos completely omitt the obvious… then what do the muscles you workout with get ? they dont get anything? it makes no sense..
    the reason we burn fat is because the body needs that energy to do that activity… ti doesnt just go into air … it goes to the muscle groups and other human functionality during the day

  6. Where does it go? It seems to sneak over to my house and sticks itself onto my big fat gut! So from now on keep your fat to you-self and I go back to being mister slim and hot. Thanks.

  7. If you eat too much protein or carbs…? I am pretty sure that's backwards, especially considering there is another macronutrient that is literally called fat. I'm pretty sure that's the one that would make you fat.

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