1. so , if a woman is over forty , has children and wants to lose weight , how is it not helpful?
    When squatting is not great for them , nor deadlifting ….. in my experience , training upper body with weights and cardio has seen great results .

  2. I like how you discuss that you’ve changed your mind on a given item. It would be interesting to hear about other items you have changed your view on and why e.g. belts, false grip for OHP, mixed grip for deadlift, unilateral exercises, etc

  3. Do you think that there is a minimum amount of liss you can do to get most of the performance benefits (the ability to run long distances) in addition to doing metabolic conditioning?

    Also can you send links to the studies showing the ineffectiveness of liss?

  4. LISS = good for all basic functions and recovery of tissues. Does very little for increasing ability of respiratory depth, frequency and efficiency, nor does it tax the respiratory muscles to their capacity – slow walking is like doing half reps for your lungs with a too light weight if you think about it – you need to push your boundaries atleast a little to see the big benefits.

  5. I've felt this way about LISS for quite a while now. Whenever I did large volumes of long duration steady state work I always felt like my edge was dulled. I personally feel for me the best balance was a full body lifting routine with some heavy sled pushes at the end, doing explosive hill sprints and plyometrics, some interval running (200 to 400ms) and maybe running about a mile. I feel like all of that would pretty much cover everything you could possibly need. I do enjoy hiking, but I consider that more of an activity and not quite the same as just plodding along on a bike or treadmill for an hour.

  6. My favourite exercise used to be weighted barbell step ups. I'm making a home gym atm. What can I use to do step ups at at least 20 inches, with combined body+barbell weight of 200kg? A lot of the wooden boxes I've seen online only go up to recommended 150kg total use and it kinda scares me. Cheers

  7. i've always done HIIT cardio.
    LISS doesn't. do. shit. it's only good when you need a lower intensity 5 minutes in your session to cruise a little bit before you blast HIIT again.. which is what HIIT cardio is.. usually i'm 30sec – 2 mins blasting and 1-2mins cruise.
    5 -10 mins each of different cardio machines mostly precor arc trainer and recumbent bike.

  8. Hmm, I just read an article about PHA vs HIIT.
    Peripheral Heart Action training- I can't recall ever to use this.
    I'll give it a try.
    At the end of the day I may figure out indeed, whether LISS IS PISS, PHAT IS SCAT or HIIT IS SPIT

  9. Liss is not useless. When I was cutting last summer and after my cheat days, the next day I would cut even further my calories and would add some 2hours of walking. I couldnt cut down much more on food so there you have it, a useful tool sometimes.

  10. LISS isnt just about sitting still peddling a bike inside playing videogames. Some people like to actually go OUTSIDE and hit the trails for a run/walk or bike ride. If your someone who gets all their training in the confides of their home or gym. How are you not extremely bored with only that. How do you not want to go soak up some sun and get some cardio in? You could easily argue being outside swimming for an hour is way better for you than stepping up on some boxes.

  11. Hey brother, I still do LISS cardio every morning as I like it and I find it useful. However everyone has their own opinion and that includes changing your mind. There are plenty of things with diet and nutrition I have changed on over the years. Whatever you are doing appears to be working for you and you seem to enjoy it. Different points of view and methods I think are critical to the new lifter to give them the whole picture and let them experiment and find the best method for them.

  12. Jason, you say LISS is useless but GPP and MetCond are great.
    Yesterday I did high knees (with hands on bar justmy height high- my personal invention btw), between sessions of pull ups. Great benefits. I feel a little sore.
    However when I have time to climb/ hike a mountain is better. I feel exhausted and weigh less.

  13. It's useless for cardio conditioning. It is fine for fat burning because other more intense forms of cardio don't burn fat but sugar so doing large amounts is harmful not helpful.

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