1. My peers in work have used also this specific “Yamzoko Weebly” (Google it) diet and also were able to slash over 13lbs. They informed me to do my analysis too and also know about it. The moment I really started using it the excess weight just lowered 15 lbs. .

  2. I loved everything about this until he started talking about the ketogenic diet. The keto diet may help you lose weight quickly, but more often than not it is only temporary. Most people gain the weight back plus some. The keto diet is also very unhealthy, our bodies are not meant to eat mainly fats and animal products. Our bodies would actually function better without ANY animal products. He mentions the keto diet helps cognitive abilities, but consuming animal products for long periods of time leads to cognitive decline. It is the reason many people are given the false diagnoses of alzheimers and dementia. LDL cholesterol from animal products clogs the tiny blood vessels in the brain clogging up and the nerve cells being shortchanged of oxygenated blood. This can eventually lead to loss of memory, movement, difficulty with swallowing, speech, and other functions. Were talking long term now. Animal products also lead to heart disease (#1 killer in the world) which unfortunately Charles Poliquin (one of the keto diet's biggest leaders) died from at age 50. The keto diet is linked with early mortality but the people investing in the diet, aren't going to tell you that.
    (Source: Dr. Michael Klaper, M.D. in What the Health & Dr. Khan in his talk on Joe Rogan's podcast) A plant based diet has helped me lose weight, improved my cognitive abilities, made me a more compassionate and happy person by helping me overcome my depression.

  3. Well we now know that a body that gains and loses weight fast (and intentionally) is not the same as the chronically obese. Although impressive and we could derive some conclusions, it is a completely different condition. Nutritional research used mice that were made fat to study obesity and diets until it was shown that the fat mice lose the weight right off without any effort or diet if left alone. So we can not compare the acutely intentionally overweight with the chronically obese. Apples and oranges… Still impressive.

  4. I've found the solution to my weight problems!

    Hello friends! Ithe only reason I'm posting today is because. I just wanted to share with you something I found on the net and studying. Lately and seems to have very good reviews. I wanted to share it with you. Because after all, we're all struggling with the same thing. I advise you to keep an eye on him and study his opinions. Which I still can't give my personal opinion but I bought it to see how it goes.

    I'll tell you how it goes!

    ———-> https://cutlinks.pro/XSb1UTSA

  5. In 7 months i went from 125 to 106.4 kgs. Again for 2 months it went there only. I got bit frustrated one question WHY now when i think somtimes i do realise that when i made a nice amount of weight loss i got bit loose from my goals ( i wanted to look like manuel neuer back then)

    Now back to the story from that loosening thing i gained back 2.6 i.e. 109kgs back.when i measured i know I'd fucked the whole process .someone who hasn't experienced fat loss won't feel but for us its like end of the world something.

    I started from again 109 kgs and in a month went straight to 102.3 kgs. In the mean time i realised how important beside calorie intake is your macros count

    In a year, it was 95 ,in this article http://preofery.com/11vv will find some of the things I’ve used to lose weight, which have always worked really well for me.

    have a nice day

  6. I use to be in the best shape ever. Now not so much. 🙁 I think I ve had more acceptance being overweight than when I was skinny. But I really want to be skinny and in good shape again. I emotionally eat and I can't seem to stop. 🙁

  7. Not many motivational speeches or talk shows motivates me enough to change my negative my perspective on life or myself but this video here did that for me. You didn’t just speak on the physical aspects on weight-loss but all other aspects that goes hand in hand with it. Something I’ve been struggling with for a long time is self love and weight-loss and this video hit the nail on the head for me.

    Thank you for this!

  8. Exactly, don't tell me what I already know.  This hurts everyone struggling with weight loss…..just don't say those things to people, it doesn't help.  Everyone should be loved even if they are not worthy, Christ did it and told us we should do it too.  "Man does not live on bread alone"….spirit can transform.

  9. You are so right. I'm walking proof. I meditate every night on positive self talk, it's taken 10 devoted years to love myself, but damnit I do love myself now! I'm able to stop drinking and drugging and eating. I'm keto and i intermittent fast. I believe i can do this and i deserve to do it. Positive self talk is transformational. Good job guys!

  10. Finally. All you hear is “will power, will power”. People who internalize all the negative things that are said to them will have a hard time finding that “will power”.

    Your journey to health is YOUR journey. Take your time and F everyone else.

  11. Recording my voice affirmations listening to when I awake & going to sleep. Great example you told your kids about food thanks a lot for being so transparent. And thanks for sharing this video

  12. Thanks I am worthy, I can do hard things,, I fully love and accept myself,I'm proud of who I am. So much truth in this. This stuff does help meditation visualizations affirmations Army prayer and worship gratitude journals I like you said consistency is key. I can definitely tell the days that I don't. It helps me more days than not. This is something we have to continually work at but we wish we could fix overnight

  13. This conversation should be teached in schools. I love that it's a guy opening up about these experiences so that men of all ages can relate to it. What an example!

    Tom – once again you are the best interviewer and listener.

  14. I am so grateful that there is a thing like Youtube and Tom Bilyeu in it. So many great interviews including this one. So many information, insights and stories to learn!! Thank you so much Tom for doing this wonderful thing you do!! 👍🏼

  15. This is EXACTLY right. I myself have battled weight-gain and weight-loss my entire life, and my findings have shown me that the emotional/mental/spiritual component is what is truly lacking in every single weight-loss program on the go. I recall as a teenager, feeling very much alone in my struggle with an eating disorder. I began reading amazing books that helped me love myself deeply, and it helped tremendously. I knew I was on to something much bigger than my "symptom" (overweight) … I was learning the underlying self-worth issue that had been my story since a very young age (four!). I began to understand my pain, shame, and deep-seated fear that I was never going to be enough. Overeating was a fear reaction to the panic I felt inside. As an Empowerment Coach, my aim is to help as many people as I can with self-worth issues, as this is the leading cause of possibly all addictions. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  16. Hi, I had a hard time losing weight but not until I started to read an ebook that my friend suggested for me. I want to share it with the people with the same struggles. If you want your own free ebook I will happily email it to you. Just email me at weightlossrightnowz@gmail.com. Let me know that you want the ebook! Amazing tips on there, worked wonders for me.

  17. One of the best videos I've seen in … forever! Love Drew. This is the work I do as well with folks with substance use disorders and behavioral disorders. Love YOUR SELF! Don't hurt your beautiful bode's. Be Kind! Be Love! Be healthy!

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