1. Aww 🥰 another Miami sound machine classic. Bless Will Charlie bear. I was so upset to hear about the Trauma film! I was really worried! How could someone knock you like that???? Awful!

    Then, Waking up and thinking about Naomi Lloyd from FedEx. What a shame she nearly killed me off at the doctors office after my costa coffee heart arrhythmia.

    I was with a peaceful Naomie, the Swiss dental hygienist and fellow reflexologist student and healer with Harriet Peterson at Kensington.

    Sending healing hugs

    Erin Brockovich aka Anne Diamond , Casualty 🙏🏻🤧💁🏻‍♀️

  2. I felt like I was watching something completely different to the judges.. I don't know, there's no denying he gave it his all, but the salsa bits just seemed quite off… It must be quite hard trying to judge his dancing when obviously there's a lot of constraints on his hands and feet. Lovely person, really admirable, but as the weeks go on, they're going to zone in on hand and foot placements which are really quite vital to how a dance looks and I'm just wondering how they're going to draw the line for him.

  3. Fantastic sense of rhythm, his energy on the dancefloor was superb. He showed that he can produce a lovely hip action, but it wasn't really quite there – he needs to learn (as much as he can) to use the ball of his feet to settle into the hip and draw the figure 8. Continuous figure 8 in the hips is the key to a fantastic salsa. His foot placement could have been better. It was very bright and happy in terms of performance and that was great, and he showed potential in terms of his footwork. For me, It was better than last week and he is improving, step by step. A 6.

  4. He had the energy for the routine, his hips just didn't really follow it. It almost looked like he was dancing with a limp. That being said I really appreciate his commitment to the dance, and with some work on the technique I think he can be surprise on the latin dances. (5)

  5. A bit bent with his legs which meant that he curved himself inwards. Consequently, lacking with the hip action. However his energy is FABULOUS. Having so much fun, but this is just not his dance… unfortunately. 6.

  6. Let's hope this is the last ever series in this bloody awful program. It's the same format some balmy Italian waving his arms round while shouting g itsa fantastica just likea mama useda dos in da kichena. Then theres the miserable sod who looks like bull dog chewing a wasp saying its crap garbage rubbish as well as two women Who dont seem able to say anything worth listening to. Everyone has a false smile and gloria winkel what's it should stick to shampoo commercials, total garbage .

  7. Watching will dance puts a huge smile on my face! I seriously can’t help but smile and cheer him on, you can see how much work and effort he has put into this and it’s just show hard work does pay off, really want him to get far in the competition!

  8. His smile and energy is Infectious! Funny and Truly Enjoyable Routine!
    He gets the Crowd Going and This Routine Made Him and Myself Happy! Well done for pulling off that lift By the way! 7

    ~ My Leaderboard ~
    Kelvin & Oti 8
    Karim & Amy 8
    Michelle & Giovanni 8
    Will & Janette 7
    Alex & Neil 7
    Dev & Dianne 7
    Saffron & AJ 7
    Mike & Katya 6
    Catherine & Johannes 6
    Emma B & Anton 6
    Chris & Karen 6
    Emma W & Aljaž 6
    Anneka & Kevin 5
    David & Nadiya 4
    James & Luba 3

    After All Last Nights Performances, The Two I Predict Will Be In the bottom two are David and James. David First Of All I feel didn't try or push himself. His Frame was way too laid back when doing paso. He Didn't really do much movement and I thought Him To be the most boring Out of every Celeb this Year to be Honest. And James for obivous reasons. But I Also Feel the Public will save him for entertainment reasons but in terms of technique he could be in dance off.

    After Tonight's Result show, David and James Were In The Dance Off.
    David Got 3 Votes and James Got 0 Votes. Which Meant James & Luba Were The First To Leave the show. I Would've of Saved David. Although David Didn't put enough effort or actual technique or skill into his paso, he was the better celeb by the slightest on technique. So based on technique, he was a little better than James on that one and that's why he gets my save vote. But I'm not gonna lie I will miss James' dances. They are quite funny but The main thing is he Gave the Show A Go and Came Out of the Show happy and He Does Inspire us all. Well done James for giving it a go.

  9. 미국인 하나라도 더 죽이자.

    영광스런 한국을 위해~♥

    예수(Jesus Christ)님.. 미국이 하루 빨리 심판받아 멸망당하기를 원해요.

    저 악독한 미국을 지옥불에 던지고 갓난아이 하나까지 바위에 내쳐서 죽여 전부 씨를 말리시고 미국의 여자들이 창녀가 되어 한국남자를 주인으로 섬기는 개가 되게 하소서.

    A men

  10. 하나님의 심판을 피하지 못할 미국아.

    미국은 지옥에 떨어져라.

    한국은 하나님이 사랑하신다. 미국은 한국의 장난감이다. 한국은 마국의 주인이다.


    대한민국 만세~♥

    I love korea 🇰🇷

  11. 대다수의 한국인들은 미국을 증오하며. 조상님들은 미국인을 사람이 아닌 가축으로 취급해야 한다고 가르치셨다.(그 말이 옳다.)

  12. I love this man. He is as Shirley I think said the spirit of Strictly!👍🏻 He is a joy to watch Janette has done wonders with him👍🏻Agree with Shirley Disability what Disability! He is amazing he puts his heart and soul into his dances. I can't even walk fast these days(Menopausal woman)let alone dance!😂 Hope he and Janette go far in the competition.👍🏻

  13. His hip action was good and he has alot of potential. I'll let him away for not having the straightest legs because that could be part of the disability. His feet were good and his arms are good and he shows determination and he remembers the steps well. It was very entertaining and fun and I think this couple is going to go far. Just as good as last week and even more fun. 6/10

  14. UNDERMARKED, UNDERMARKED, UNDERMARKED. Deserved at least 1-2-3-4 more points. Will is so passionate about strictly and you can tell how much he loves dancing. His lifts were excellent in both lift and dismount. He and Janette are such a good partnership and I genuinely don’t know what more Will could’ve done to get more points. My favourited of the night. 8/10

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