1. Very educational. Especially about beer and estrogen. Makes sense considering hops is a female flower and that produces phytoestrogens. Great video and I'm loving your channel.

  2. Lat pulldowns behind the head and bench dips for the triceps, as shown in the video, have both demonstrated a higher risk for shoulder injury. Minor adjustments in these exercises can provide the same beneficial results while lowering the risk.

  3. Thanks for the video I have learned some more good info 😎 I did notice that you have dark circles around your eyes sorry but you need unstressed rest. Cant let you wear yourself out we need the best coach on top of his game! 😁

  4. I'm 69 and I have thin arms but I would like to know if there's a way to get rid of the crepey upper arm and some skin laxity. I already drink bone broth everyday and take a powdered collagen supplement but I'm not sure that it's going to be enough to correct it. Thanks!

  5. I know it’s off topic, but some information on the best way to address malabsorption issues would be appreciated. Especially, in regards to the keto diet and your body struggling to digest fats…low stomach acid…low bile production…etc. i tried to do keto and ended up with severe diarrhea by day 4.

    On top of that I have a malrotation of the intestines. My small intestine is a jumbled ball on my lower right side, and travels up under my rib cage on the left side then travels straight down like a steep roller coaster into another jumbled ball on the left side. Large intestine is a jumbled ball in the lower center. Due to scar tissue in the upper right quadrant, all of my organs have been pushed over to the left side as well.

    I’ve heard it’s best for women to do an alkaline diet prior to beginning keto. Is this true, and would it help correct malabsorption issues?

    I also have estrogen dominance issues and a history of fibroids and cysts due to the hormonal imbalance, does this affect absorbing fats properly?

    Thanks for all of the great videos 😁💜 especially, the women-focused videos. I would love to see more.

  6. it's very hard for me to train fasted as i train after work in the evenings and i dont do IF. i have an 8-5 job and have a son that's in school, so from 7:30am-6:30pm im taking him to school, going to work, and picking him up from daycare. So i train around 7pm =(

  7. I wondered why I have bigger arms, I have thyroid issue for the last 16 years. Even I'm skinny, my arms still bigger than how they supposed to (consider to the skinny body I have).

  8. Ever since I started watching your videos, I've learned the science behind food and how our bodies react to it and different excercises and diets that work for certain people. I've never been more excited to lose weight and making this a lifestyle change. Thank you!

  9. You cant spot reduce fat and that study doesnt support your point. Youre cherrypicking as usual. Love your vids but pls stop doing this. The shredded sports scientist has debunked your vids severel times.

  10. Thomas I have watched so many of your videos and find them so informative! I am a 52 year old woman. I am doing Keto and Intermittent fasting 16/8. I lift heavy 3 days on one day off. In one video you suggested DIM. I have been taking this now for a month. I am not sure if I see any benefits? But what is your opinion on women taking DIM to help with Estrogen imbalance?

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